代議士 「え・・ご隠居さん、まァ、チョイといい話があるんですがね」
隠居 「はい、はい。近頃いい話しってのは、用心して聞かなくてはいけ
ませんからナ。・・・で、何です? いい話しってのは?」
代議士 「まァ、他でもないんですがナ・・。
明日から◯◯銀行の頭取をやってもらえませんかねぇ? 」
隠居 「銀行の頭取? おい、ばあさん、聞いたか?
婆さん 「なにを寝惚けてるのかねぇ、この人は?
隠居 「なにをぎゃあぎゃあ云ってやんでェ。なぁに、近頃の銀行の頭取
代議士 「ええ、そりゃあもう、"億"でも"兆"でも持ってってください。
隠居 「へぇ〜、そりゃまたけっこうな話しですナ。で・・・頭取ってど
代議士 「いえね、べつにどおってほどのもんでもないんですがね。目を
隠居 「へぇ〜、目をつぶって・・? 手品みたいだね。
で・・何てェ書類に? 」
代議士 「『めちゃくちゃ融資をいたします』・・てぇ書類ですな。」
隠居 「へぇ〜、落語みたいな話ですナ。けっこう毛だらけ、
ねこ灰だらけ、よろしゅうございます。やりましょう! 」
熊 「お〜い、てぇへんだ、てぇへんだァ。
八 「なにォ、このやろう! そいつァ、てェへんだァ」
隠居 「土地転がしだァ〜? 地上げだってェ!?」
地上げ屋 「いえね、きのう100億円で買った土地が、きょうは500億円で
いまがチャンス!! どうですィ?」
隠居 「一晩で100億の儲けかい? まるで博打(ばくち)だねぇ・・!?」
地上げ屋 「頭取、堅いこと云ってちゃァご時世に乗り遅れやすヨ。
隠居 「よォし、だれか、その『めちゃくちゃ融資』の書類もってきておくれ。
隠居 「あ〜ぁ、弱ったな・・バブルだかなんだか知らないけど、
熊 「お〜い、てぇへんだ、てぇへんだァ。
八 「なにォ、このやろう! そいつァ、てェへんだ。
隠居 「ほれ、だから云わんこっちゃない。あ〜ぁ、弱ったな・・」
婆さん 「呆れたねぇ・・。まだ寝言云ってるよ・・。
お前さん! 起きなヨッ!
あららら、大変!! 鶏小屋から鶏たちが出てきちゃったヨ」
鶏たち 「コッ、コッ、コケッ、コッ、コッ・・」
婆さん 「あらまァ、部屋に上がって来ちゃったヨ!こらッ、
鶏たち 「コッ、コッ、コケッコー、コケッコー・・」
隠居 「なにがケッコ−なもんか・・・、
婆さん 「早く、起きなよッ!」
鶏たち 「コッ、コッ、コケッコー、コケッコー・・」
隠居 「えっ? 頭取を早く降りろって?それも結構だってのかい?
そいつは、ありがたいねえ! まさに地獄に仏だよ・・」
婆さん 「起きろ! 爺じい!」
隠居 「あ、吃驚(びっくり)した・・・、なんだい寝てたのかい」
婆さん 「寝てたのかいじゃないヨ!鶏たちをなんとかしとくれよ、
鶏たち 「コッ、コッ、コケッコー、コケッコー・・」
隠居 「ケッコ−、ケッコ−、あたしゃ、頭取より
隠居 「あ〜ぁ、弱ったな・・バブルだかなんだか知らないけど、
熊 「お〜い、てぇへんだ、てぇへんだァ。
八 「なにォ、このやろう! そいつァ、てェへんだ。
隠居 「ほれ、だから云わんこっちゃない。あ〜ぁ、弱ったな・・」
婆さん 「呆れたねぇ・・。まだ寝言云ってるよ・・。
お前さん! 起きなヨッ!
あららら、大変!! 鶏小屋から鶏たちが出てきちゃったヨ」
鶏たち 「コッ、コッ、コケッ、コッ、コッ・・」
婆さん 「あらまァ、部屋に上がって来ちゃったヨ!こらッ、
鶏たち 「コッ、コッ、コケッコー、コケッコー・・」
隠居 「なにがケッコ−なもんか・・・、
婆さん 「早く、起きなよッ!」
鶏たち 「コッ、コッ、コケッコー、コケッコー・・」
隠居 「えっ? 頭取を早く降りろって?それも結構だってのかい?
そいつは、ありがたいねえ! まさに地獄に仏だよ・・」
婆さん 「起きろ! 爺じい!」
隠居 「あ、吃驚(びっくり)した・・・、なんだい寝てたのかい」
婆さん 「寝てたのかいじゃないヨ!鶏たちをなんとかしとくれよ、
鶏たち 「コッ、コッ、コケッコー、コケッコー・・」
隠居 「ケッコ−、ケッコ−、あたしゃ、頭取より
Eh... I'm
afraid I'd like you to laugh a lot at a ridiculous story and get rid of the recession mood
day and night.
Well, no matter what I say, is the current topic a financial crisis?
Edo of the old days, "Rice Broker" or "both instead quotient" is too much plumage is good
it seems to have bought.
Anything, lunch allowance of a month worth of Tedai Load Master of Rice Broker guys,
even talk she was the same amount as the annual cost of living of the middle class Bakushin walk
... with leprosy.
In the days of the bubble economy even today, banks also everyone plumage leisure securities
was Tsu.
But as soon as the bubble ended...I can't believe it at all.
It got twisted...
Deputy Representative "Eh... I have a good story with Mr. Gorei, Ma, Choi
. " Retirement "Yes, yes. I have to be careful and listen to good talk these days
.・What is it? What's good talking about?”
Representative: “Well, there is nothing else, but...
Can you take over ◯◯ bank from tomorrow?”
Retirement “Chairman of the bank Hey, grandmother, did you hear that it was a big
instrument , I heard that luck was coming to me
, Na-
san "What is this person
sleeping, hey? How long have I slept.
It's already on my head."
Retirement. "I don't know what I mean. I mean
, I can do whatever the bank's president is doing these days .
Yeah, I'm sorry. instead retirement will do Nowak in "billion"
Na, in the "billion"! "
deputies" Yeah, oh yeah, "billion" or "trillion" even got to go please.
not help anyway to do with surplus money So I "
retired" Heh, you well also quite a story na. etc. I ... president in
is Suryaaii do such tasks do? "
deputies" say it, do not also mon enough What you etc. Apart However,
I should close my eyes and press the stamp on the paperwork."
Retirement "Hey, close your eyes...? It looks like a magic trick. So
... what papers?
" I'll lend you a lot of money." Teh
, it's a document." Retirement "Hey, it's a story like rakugo. There's pretty hair, a lot of
cat ash, good luck. Let's do it!"
Bear "Oh, hey Hehda, ehedaa. The
retreat has become the head of the bank..."
8 "What, let's do this! That guy, tehenda."
... It will be a fuss as if you were poking.
Retirement "Land is rolling, isn't it? Land raising!" Land
raising shop "No, yes, the land I bought for 10 billion yen yesterday is 50 billion yen.
You can sell it.
Now is your chance!! How is it?"
Retirement " Is it 10 billion dollars a night? It's like
a bakuchi, isn't it ?!" Ground-up shop "Chairman, it's hard to say that I'll miss the time. The
top is easy with courage and decisiveness . "
Retirement, "Well, somebody, please bring me the documents for the "messed up loan."
That's right . Then, push the stamp and the
collateral is the land of 50 billion yen. That's why..."
but a dream-like story won't last long.
Money disappears from the banks as soon as the bubble bursts...
We ordinary people have no idea.
Retirement "Ah, I'm weak... I don't know if it's a bubble, but I've
Kuma "Oh, it's teddy, teddy. I
'm headed by the bank on the other side (arrest)
I'm done..." 8 "What, let's do this! That guy,
te eh, are you okay with your retreat?"
Retirement "Hey, that's why I'm not talking. Ah,
I'm weak..." Grandma "I'm afraid... I'm still sleeping... I'm asleep
! You 're up!
Oh, it's tough! The chickens have come out of the chicken coop!" The
chickens "cock, cock, Koke', cock, cock ..."
old lady "Aramaa, Yo! Kora' had come up to the room,
and clutter kick over your Zen, Shisshi' ... !!"
chicken who "cock , Kok, Kokecko, Kokecko..."
Retirement "What is Kecko-What do you do with
this mountain of bad bonds...?"
Auntie "Don't get up early!"
Chickens " Kok, Kok, Kokkekko, Kokkekko..."
Retirement "Eh? Do you get off the head early? Is that fine? Isn't it the
quality (s) that interprets everything conveniently ?
Thank you! It's just Buddha in hell..."
Aunt "Get up! Grandfather!"
Retirement "Ah, I was surprised... how was it sleeping?"
Aunt "I wasn't sleeping! us Reyo keep somehow,
Shisshi' ... !! "
chicken who" cock, cock, Kokekko, Kokekko ... "
retirement" Kekko -, Kekko -, Atasha, than the president
want to be a chicken (chicken) ... "
you later It looks like...
Eh... I'm
afraid I'd like you to laugh a lot at a ridiculous story and get rid of the recession mood
day and night.
Well, no matter what I say, is the current topic a financial crisis?
Edo of the old days, "Rice Broker" or "both instead quotient" is too much plumage is good
it seems to have bought.
Anything, lunch allowance of a month worth of Tedai Load Master of Rice Broker guys,
even talk she was the same amount as the annual cost of living of the middle class Bakushin walk
... with leprosy.
In the days of the bubble economy even today, banks also everyone plumage leisure securities
was Tsu.
But as soon as the bubble ended...I can't believe it at all.
It got twisted...
Deputy Representative "Eh... I have a good story with Mr. Gorei, Ma, Choi
. " Retirement "Yes, yes. I have to be careful and listen to good talk these days
.・What is it? What's good talking about?”
Representative: “Well, there is nothing else, but...
Can you take over ◯◯ bank from tomorrow?”
Retirement “Chairman of the bank Hey, grandmother, did you hear that it was a big
instrument , I heard that luck was coming to me
, Na-
san "What is this person
sleeping, hey? How long have I slept.
It's already on my head."
Retirement. "I don't know what I mean. I mean
, I can do whatever the bank's president is doing these days .
Yeah, I'm sorry. instead retirement will do Nowak in "billion"
Na, in the "billion"! "
deputies" Yeah, oh yeah, "billion" or "trillion" even got to go please.
not help anyway to do with surplus money So I "
retired" Heh, you well also quite a story na. etc. I ... president in
is Suryaaii do such tasks do? "
deputies" say it, do not also mon enough What you etc. Apart However,
I should close my eyes and press the stamp on the paperwork."
Retirement "Hey, close your eyes...? It looks like a magic trick. So
... what papers?
" I'll lend you a lot of money." Teh
, it's a document." Retirement "Hey, it's a story like rakugo. There's pretty hair, a lot of
cat ash, good luck. Let's do it!"
Bear "Oh, hey Hehda, ehedaa. The
retreat has become the head of the bank..."
8 "What, let's do this! That guy, tehenda."
... It will be a fuss as if you were poking.
Retirement "Land is rolling, isn't it? Land raising!" Land
raising shop "No, yes, the land I bought for 10 billion yen yesterday is 50 billion yen.
You can sell it.
Now is your chance!! How is it?"
Retirement " Is it 10 billion dollars a night? It's like
a bakuchi, isn't it ?!" Ground-up shop "Chairman, it's hard to say that I'll miss the time. The
top is easy with courage and decisiveness . "
Retirement, "Well, somebody, please bring me the documents for the "messed up loan."
That's right . Then, push the stamp and the
collateral is the land of 50 billion yen. That's why..."
but a dream-like story won't last long.
Money disappears from the banks as soon as the bubble bursts...
We ordinary people have no idea.
Retirement "Ah, I'm weak... I don't know if it's a bubble, but I've
Kuma "Oh, it's teddy, teddy. I
'm headed by the bank on the other side (arrest)
I'm done..." 8 "What, let's do this! That guy,
te eh, are you okay with your retreat?"
Retirement "Hey, that's why I'm not talking. Ah,
I'm weak..." Grandma "I'm afraid... I'm still sleeping... I'm asleep
! You 're up!
Oh, it's tough! The chickens have come out of the chicken coop!" The
chickens "cock, cock, Koke', cock, cock ..."
old lady "Aramaa, Yo! Kora' had come up to the room,
and clutter kick over your Zen, Shisshi' ... !!"
chicken who "cock , Kok, Kokecko, Kokecko..."
Retirement "What is Kecko-What do you do with
this mountain of bad bonds...?"
Auntie "Don't get up early!"
Chickens " Kok, Kok, Kokkekko, Kokkekko..."
Retirement "Eh? Do you get off the head early? Is that fine? Isn't it the
quality (s) that interprets everything conveniently ?
Thank you! It's just Buddha in hell..."
Aunt "Get up! Grandfather!"
Retirement "Ah, I was surprised... how was it sleeping?"
Aunt "I wasn't sleeping! us Reyo keep somehow,
Shisshi' ... !! "
chicken who" cock, cock, Kokekko, Kokekko ... "
retirement" Kekko -, Kekko -, Atasha, than the president
want to be a chicken (chicken) ... "
you later It looks like...