
2018年04月23日 14時43分41秒 | 1937年 南京攻略...

1937年12月12日の南京城壁内の支那軍の様子が分かる史料としては、ニューヨーク・タイムズのF.T.ダーディン記者の12月18日発行の新聞記事とナチスドイツ党員のドイツ人である国際安全委員会委員長ジョン・ラーベの日記、『Eyewitnesses to Massacre: American Missionaries Bear Witness to Japanese Atrocities in Nanjing』((英語) ペーパーバック – 2000/12/26 Zhang Kaiyuan (著), Donald MacInnis (著))に収載されている当時南京に残留していた欧米人の日記や回想録がある。





By Frank Tillman Durdin
ABOARD THE U.S.S. OAHU at Shanghai, Dec. 17
Defense Strong at First (including)
Driving through the city Sunday evening, I witnessed the wholesale undressing of an army that was almost comic. Many men shed their uniforms as they marched in formation toward Hsiakwan. Others ran into alleys to transform themselves into civilians. Some soldiers disrobed completely and then robbed civilians of their garments.



紫金山の銃撃は一向に止まない。稲光と雷のような音が山から聞こえてきたと思ったら、突然、山全体が炎に包まれた。何処かの家と火薬に火が移ったようだ。古い諺に、「紫金山が燃えたら南京は陥ちる」というのがあった。南の方からは一般人が安全区の通りを通って住居へと逃れ急ぐ姿が目につく。それに続くのは、日本軍に追い立てられたと主張する支那軍の諸部署の兵士たちだ。但しこの報告は真実でない!敗走軍の足取りからして ー しんがりなぞは通りをのんびりとぶらぶら歩いていた ー 敵に追い立てられたわけではないことが見て取れる。
はっきりしているのは、これらの部隊が南門かGoan Hoa Men(当方補記:光華門/『南京の真実』(講談社)P104-105から)で敵の激しい砲撃に晒され、恐慌状態で逃げて来たことだ。町の中心に近づくにつれ平静を取り戻し、最初の死に物狂いの逃走はのんびりした行進に変わるのだ。これで日本軍が城門前まで進軍したのは明らかで、最後の攻撃まで間も無いだろう。

Lewis Strong Casey Smythe
The retreating straggling troops were going right through the Zone. There was great excitement. We had feared the retreat of the troops as the worst of all events we had to face. I insisted on sitting down before staff conference at 5:00 and jotting down what we would do. One was to let the troops go thru the Zone if they would disarm! We had a brief staff conference and then a brief press conference, and dicided to let people get home early. On the way home, we found whole regiments of Chinese troops marching through Shanghai and Ninghai Roads, so we kidded George about his announcement at the Press Conference that we would disarm them! They were in full equipment. Searle remarked when we got home that when that night was over we would probably be past the worst. I was glad the Chinese troops were on their way out in good season because we knew the plan to keep them here to fight in the walled city was like keeping them in a rat-trap. Shell fire continued through the night and machine gun fire. But we slept in our regular beds still. During the night about machine-gun fire sounded close, but there was nothing I could do about it. However I was conscience stricken that we were not out on the perimeter to stop the Japanese from fighting into the Zone. About 6:00 I thought the machine-gun fire was at Shanghai Road, so I decied to get up and investigate.. I went down Ping Tsang Hsiang and met a policeman moving his stuff in. He had come from beyond Sing Kai Ko and said there were no Japanese there yet.


John Gillespie Magee
No.25 Lo Chia Rd, Nanking
Dec. 12, 1937
The last few days have been terrible ones for the poor people of this city. The Japanese, according to what we have heard, broke into the Shwei Si Men this afternoon and the Chinese soldiers are in retreat along the Chungshan Road and by other roads. As I write there is the sound of heavy guns inside the city as well as rifle and machine gun fire. Some troops are evidently holding up the retreat while the main body of troops are going to Hsiakwan in the endeavor to get across the river. I suppose. There are fires in many parts of the city, either the work of the Chinese soldiers or of Japanese shell, I do know which. A shell hit just across the street from the house almost next to us here where some of people and the Christians from St. Paul's Church are and frightened them all very much.

