じゅんりみ ブログ(*Ü*)



2020-11-15 17:17:40 | 日記
こんにちは(^ ^)Hello
日中はポカポカ暖かいですね~(^ ^)
It's warm during the day ~

Today I read 📖 "How to tell 90%"

プロのコピーライターさんの書籍で、凄く読みやすくて、楽しかったです(^ ^)
It was a book by a professional copywriter, and it was very easy to read and I enjoyed it (^ ^)

"It was easy to read and fun"? !!

あっか~ん!! はい、インプットだけじゃ~意味無い!
Ahhhhh! !! Yes, it doesn't make sense just with input!

この本からの学び…Learning from this book ...

好き嫌い、求めてるものを考え、それにそって 作った料理の方が断然、喜ばれる(*Ü*)
I think about the person who eats the food, rather than trying to do what I like.
Thinking about what you like and dislike, what you are looking for, and cooking according to it is definitely more pleasing (* Ü *)

"Kotoba is the other party's thing"
This word touched my heart

A lot of techniques are written and it will be very educational

This is what I learned

"Kotoba is the other party's thing"

"Kotodama" that I have often heard from long ago
I wonder if it feels like that

I have to treat "Kotoba" more importantly than ever

2020.11.15 3 line diary
・「伝え方のレシピ」を公開して下さった佐々木圭一さんに。Thanks to Keiichi Sasaki for publishing the "Recipe for Communicating".
・クッションカバーを作ってくれた娘に(*Ü*)Thanks to my daughter for making the cushion cover.
Thanks to my husband for telling me my strengths and weaknesses.

明日 良き1日になりますように(*Ü*)
I wish you all a good day tomorrow