

Ernst & Young to Pay $100 Million Penalty for Employees Cheating on CPA Ethics Exams and Misleading Investigation


Ernst & Young LLP(たぶん米国のEY)に対して1億ドルの罰金を課したとのことです。監査事務所に対する罰金としては、過去最高額のようです。


The Securities and Exchange Commission today charged Ernst & Young LLP (EY) for cheating by its audit professionals on exams required to obtain and maintain Certified Public Accountant (CPA) licenses, and for withholding evidence of this misconduct from the SEC’s Enforcement Division during the Division’s investigation of the matter. EY admits the facts underlying the SEC’s charges and agrees to pay a $100 million penalty and undertake extensive remedial measures to fix the firm’s ethical issues.



EY admits that, over multiple years, a significant number of EY audit professionals cheated on the ethics component of CPA exams and various continuing professional education courses required to maintain CPA licenses, including ones designed to ensure that accountants can properly evaluate whether clients’ financial statements comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.


EY further admits that during the Enforcement Division’s investigation of potential cheating at the firm, EY made a submission conveying to the Division that EY did not have current issues with cheating when, in fact, the firm had been informed of potential cheating on a CPA ethics exam. EY also admits that it did not correct its submission even after it launched an internal investigation into cheating on CPA ethics and other exams and confirmed there had been cheating, and even after its senior lawyers discussed the matter with members of the firm’s senior management. And as the Order finds, EY did not cooperate in the SEC’s investigation regarding its materially misleading submission.



Top accounting firm fined $100 million after employees cheated on CPA exams(CNN)

The Securities and Exchange Commission said Tuesday that a "significant number" of the accounting firm's auditors cheated on the ethics portion of the Certified Public Accountant test and other courses needed to maintain the licenses. Perhaps more stunningly, the SEC said that Ernst & Young "made a submission" that it didn't have "current issues with cheating when, in fact, the firm had been informed of potential cheating on a CPA ethics exam."

The $100 million fine is its largest ever against an auditing firm.


Internal Ernst & Young Whistleblower First Disclosed Cheating Scandal(whistleblower)

According to the SEC’s order, EY responded on June 20, 2019 and its submission “created the impression that EY did not have current issues with cheating – either on training programs and assessments or CPA ethics exams.” However, on June 19, 2019, an EY employee internally blew the whistle on EY auditors cheating on a CPA ethics exam.

answer keys(具体的にどういうものなのかピンときませんが)を同僚の間でやりとりしたりしていたそうです。倫理に関するコースのほか、監査差異(クライアントの財務諸表が会計基準に準拠して適正に表示されているかどうかを監査専門職が評価するためのもの)などのトピックでもカンニングをしていたそうです。そういう大事なトピックの試験や研修なのに、ずるをしていたのは大問題だといいたいのでしょう。

The SEC found that EY audit professionals cheated on CPA ethics exams “by using answer keys they had received from colleagues to pass exams and sharing answer keys with others.” The order states that “[t]hey also cheated on a wide variety of CPE courses, including courses on ethics and other topics, such as the Summary of Audit Differences, which are designed to ensure that audit professionals can properly evaluate whether clients’ financial statements are presented fairly in all material respects and comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.”







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