

Need for more research on fair value


A spat has broken out between the chairmen of the Basel Committee in Banking Supervision (BCBS) and the International Accounting Standards Board over the contribution of IFRS in triggering the financial crisis

バーゼル委員会が徹底的に調査した結果、公正価値会計が金融危機に重要な役割を果たしたという証拠はほとんどなかったと、IASBのHans Hoogervorst議長が主張したことを受けて、Sveriges Riksbankという銀行の頭取でもあるバーゼル委員会の議長Stefan Ingves氏が、反論の書簡をFinancial Times紙に寄稿しました。同氏は、バーゼル委員会は、研究文献をレビューしたが、どちらの結論にも決めていないと述べています。金融危機時における、会計、会計と自己資本規制の相互関係、情報規定の効果については、さらなる研究が必要だと委員会は結論付けていると、同氏は指摘しています。

In a letter to the Financial Times this morning, Stefan Ingves, BCBS chairman and governor of Sveriges Riksbank, takes issue over IASB chairman Hans Hoogervorst’s assertion last week that the committee had found “on the basis of exhaustive research” that there was “little evidence that fair value accounting played a role of any significance in the financial crisis”.

Ingves points out “for the sake of charity and accuracy” that, having reviewed the research literature, the BCBS had not come down on one side or the other. It had in fact concluded that more research was needed on the role of accounting, its interaction with regulatory capital requirements and the effects of information provision during times of financial stress.


“As one might expect, the paper cited research that, on the one hand, argued that fair value accounting created a mechanical link between declines in asset prices, accounting losses and asset fire sales needed to satisfy regulatory constraints,” he writes. “On this view, the disclosure of large fair value losses at the height of the crisis may have led to market overreaction, thus jeopardising financial stability.

“On the other hand, different researchers argued that funding constraints, amplified by the opacity of bank balance sheets and hidden losses, were what triggered bank failures. In this sense, a less rigorous disclosure of potential losses (or reporting at amortised cost) would only have made matters worse.”




The interplay of accounting and regulation and its impact on bank behaviour:
Literature review




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