米国SECでは、Pequot Capital Managementというヘッジファンドへの調査が外部からの政治的圧力によって中止されたという疑惑が持ち上がっているようです。もともとGary J. AguirreというSECの元弁護士が疑惑を指摘し、今回、Eric Ribelinという検査官が調査の扱いに不満を持っていたことが明らかになったようです。下院の委員会でも取り上げられています。
Mr. Ribelin believed that the inquiry “was not handled right,” Senator Arlen Specter, the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, said in an interview. The investigator’s criticism echoes some of the complaints lodged this year by the former S.E.C. lawyer who ran the investigation, Gary J. Aguirre.
“Something smells rotten here,” Mr. Ribelin wrote in an e-mail message to an S.E.C. supervisor last year.
He is among those expected to testify today before Senator Specter’s committee, which, together with the Senate Finance Committee, has been examining allegations by Mr. Aguirre that the agency prematurely halted its Pequot investigation because of outside political pressure.
Before the S.E.C. decided this year not to file any enforcement action against Pequot, the agency had been investigating a number of profitable trades by the hedge fund in advance of mergers or other market-moving news.