今まであまり重視されてこなかった連結会社間取引の会計(intercompany accounting (ICA))に米国でスポットライトが当てられているという記事。米国のデロイトがそういうことをいっているそうです。
The days of lax accounting for intercompany transactions — those between separate legal entities under a single corporate umbrella — appear to be running out.
Several new and pending regulatory initiatives promise to create more standardization for how companies perform intercompany accounting (ICA) and force them to perform ICA on a timely and consistent basis. To date, the laxity in this area of accounting has created inefficiency, financial exposures, and reporting risk, according to Deloitte Advisory.
ICAの主たる役割は、連結会社間取引(intercompany transactions)による損益を正確に消去することですが、記録し、追跡し、精算しなければならない取引の膨大さを考えると、財務諸表に誤りを生じさせる潜在力は大きいといえます。
The primary role of ICA is to make sure legal entities don’t show profits or losses on intercompany transactions that flow up into the parent company’s consolidated financial statements, thereby making them inaccurate. All such transactions are supposed to be netted out pre-consolidation; accountants call the process “elimination.”
But the potential for financial statement inaccuracies is significant, considering the massive number of intercompany transactions that must be recorded, tracked, and settled by companies with multiple subsidiaries or other independent affiliates.
デロイトは、ICAのプロセスを改善するためには、会計、税務、財務などを横断したチームが必要だといっているそうです。しかし、デロイトが3,800人の専門家を対象に調査したところ、自社のICAに関するフレームワークが、効率的なシステムと機能横断的なコミュニケーションを有し、全体的な視点を提供するものであると回答したのは、 9.2%にすぎなかったそうです。
Intercompany accounting and
process management
Survey results(PDFファイル)
Recent headlines have highlighted several instances of
companies restating prior year financial statements due
to errors and fraud discovered within the intercompany
accounts. As such, regulators have responded by focusing
on intercompany transactions and accounts, such as the
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB)
amending Audit standard No.18—Related Parties