米EYからセクハラと差別を受けたと米国雇用機会均等委員会に告発したEY元パートナーが、EYグローバルの会長兼CEO、Mark Weinbergerに、EYが彼女をメディアで中傷したと批判する書簡を送ったという記事。
Ex EY US partner Karen Ward has accused the Big Four firm of being “out of touch” with society’s increased support for women who are subjected to sexual harassment
In a strongly-worded letter to EY Global chairman and chief executive Mark Weinberger, she accused the firm of “trashing” her in the media after she lodged a sexual harassment and discrimination complaint against the firm in the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) on Monday.
“While one might expect to be bullied by political or Hollywood elites, EY is the third largest accounting firm in the world and employs more than 250,000 people,” she wrote.
“Being an employer of that magnitude and scope carries with it a moral obligation to lead by example and be at the forefront of social justice movements. Taking cheap shots at victims of discrimination and harassment only serves to make it less likely that women will come forward and report this kind of conduct in the future.”
She added that the firm’s conduct was protecting the perpetrators of discrimination and harassment, “as well as the many men at EY who stood by and did nothing to stop it”. “Is that the moral ground upon which EY wants to stand?”
In the letter, Ward also asked Weinberger to voluntarily release her from the arbitration clause in her partnership agreement, so that she can pursue her claims in open court, rather than via secret arbitration.
She argued that by holding the arbitration behind closed doors rather than in front of a jury of her peers, the firm was giving those who harass and discriminate against women the comfort of secrecy.
EY US faces second sexual harassment case(economia)
The Big Four firm has responded with a strongly worded rebuttal, describing her complaint as “unfounded and baseless”.
“She was separated from EY following the firm’s decision to shut down the small real estate investment banking advisory practice that she led for three years,” it said in a statement.
“Despite the firm’s full support, Ward failed to close a single transaction in the period she led the group, and it suffered multiple years of disappointing financial results.
“The decision to close this money-losing operation and separate Ward was wholly unrelated to her gender. Her allegations of harassment retaliation and unfair pay were raised after she was informed of her separation.”
「これにより、それまで泣き寝入りしてきた学生や、大学に勤務する女性たちが当局に被害を届け始めた。関係当局も動かざるを得なくなった。告発の動きはキャンパスから外の社会へと広がった。そして社会現象となっていった」("Archived Information: United States Department of Education," Office for Civil Rights, 4/4/2011)
セクハラの告発は、それまで地位と権力をほしいままにしてきた社会の「大物」に向かったのです。ハリウッドの超大物プロデューサーのハーベイ・ワインスタイン 氏や黒人俳優のビル・コスビー 氏らが告発されています。コスビー氏は9月、禁固3年から10年の量刑判決を受けました。