Lady Ella


The letter

2015-01-07 04:36:36 | 雑記

Gimme a ticket for an aeroplane
I ain't got time to take a fast train
Lonely days are gone, I'm a-goin' home
'Cause my baby just wrote me a letter

I don't care how much money I gotta spend
Got to get back to my baby again
Lonely days are gone, I'm a-goin' home
'Cause my baby just wrote me a letter

Well, she wrote me a letter
Said she couldn't live without me no more
Listen, mister, can't you see I got to get back
To my baby once more?

Anyway, yeah gimme a ticket for an aeroplane
I ain't got time to take a fast train
Lonely days are gone, I'm a-goin' home
'Cause my baby just wrote me a letter

Well, she wrote me a letter
Said she couldn't live without me no more
Listen, mister, can't you see I got to get back
To my baby once more?

Anyway, yeah gimme a ticket for an aeroplane
I ain't got time to take a fast train
Lonely days are gone, I'm a-goin' home
'Cause my baby just wrote me a letter
Because my baby just wrote me a letter

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