Early on, the main purpose of natural rubber was to make erasers. It was later used to make small rubber tubes. It wasn't until 1823 that the British chemist, Rubber O-Ring mackintosh, invented the rubber to dissolve in coal tar and then coated it with a tarp to make raincoats and rain boots. However, the raincoat and rain boots melt in summer and become hard and crisp in winter. To overcome this shortcoming, Rubber Parts many people were trying to find a way out.
American invention, Charles Goodyear rubber modification experiment was carried out, he put the natural rubber and sulfur on heating together, hoping to get a at all temperatures keep dry all year round and elastic material. He didn't succeed until February 1839. One day he mixed the rubber, sulfur, Rubber Gasket and turpentine into the pot (the sulfur was only for dyeing), and the mixture in the pot spilled over the hot stove. To his surprise, the mixture didn't melt after it fell into the fire, but it was burned as it was, Rubber Seal and the remaining unburned mixture in the furnace was elastic. He peeled the splash off the stove and found that he had prepared the elastic rubber he wanted. After continuous improvement, he finally invented the rubber vulcanization technology in 1844.
Vulcanization is the last process in the production of rubber products. Vulcanization is the crosslinking process of rubber macromolecule from linear structure to reticular structure under certain conditions. The vulcanization method is cold vulcanization, Custom Mold Rubber Parts room temperature vulcanization and hot vulcanization. Most rubber products use hot vulcanization. The heat-vulcanized equipment has vulcanized canister, plate vulcanizing machine etc.