
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

MOW - 25, 07,2024

2024年07月25日 10時59分11秒 | ministry of word
Christ is the mystery that has been hidden in God. Christ is also the purpose that has been hidden in God. God created the universe for Christ, and He created mankind for Christ. Christ is the purpose of creation and also the meaning of human life. Without Christ, creation has no purpose, and human life has no meaining. Without Christ, creation is without a center, and human life is vanity. Hence, in order to know the purpose of creation and to understand the meaning of human life, we must know Christ, and in order to apprehend the center of creation and to have reality in our human life, we must obtain Christ. When we know and obtain Christ, we will understand and obtain human life and all things, because "Christ is all and in all" ( Col 3:11). Christ is the center of all things, the reality in all things, and the answer to all things. Without Christ all is vanity and problematic. Christ is the mystery of God. God is a mystery, and the revelation of this mystery is Christ. 
- "the Operation of God and the Anointing" P24
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MOW - 23,07,2024

2024年07月23日 13時37分26秒 | ministry of word
To gain God is deeper and more subjective than merely to believe in His existence or to fear Him. Many thoughtful people believe that God exists and even fear Him, but God is not in them. To believe in God is not merely to believe that he exists, nor is it merely to fear Him. To believe in God is to gain Him subjectively in one's spirit. When a person believes in God, he opens his heart to receive God and to let God enter into him and dwell in his spirit. Hence, he can be joined and mingled with God, and God can become his element. When we let God enter into us to be our life and nature and even our being, we are joined to Him as one. This is the meaning of being a Christian. Every Christian should know that God desires man to gain Him. 
- "the Operation of God and the Anointing" P 15
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MOW - 22,07,2024

2024年07月22日 10時42分49秒 | ministry of word
Everything that comes our way is meaningful and under God's sovereign arrangement. Nothing accidental happens to a Christian. Nothing is outside God's ordering. We have to humble ourselves under God's sovereign arrangements. May the Lord open our eyes to see that God is arranging everything around us; He has a purpose in us. Through everything He is curshing us. When God grants us the grace one day, we will glady accept all the arragements He places in our environment. Our spirit will be released, and we will be able to use our spirit. 
- "the Breaking of the Outer Man and the Release of the Spirit " P39
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MOW - 12,06,2024

2024年06月12日 17時25分13秒 | ministry of word
The New Testament reveals to us that Christ took two major steps. The first step was His incarnation, and the second step was His resurrection. 
The Lord Jesus, who was God, the Creator of the universe, took a major step to become a man. The New Testament tells us that God as the Word became flesh (John 1:14). This means that God joined Himself to fallen humanity, yet He was without sin. God took a major step to become a man, and this man was wonderful. He was not a common man but a God-man, who lived on the earth for thirty-three and a half years and passed through human living. At the end of His human life He went to the cross and died an all-inclusive death to take away all the negative things in the universe, thus clearing up the way for Him to dispense Himself into God’s chosen people. Through His death the divine life within this God-man was released. That released divine life produced many believers, produced the church, which is the Body of Christ. He took the step of incarnation to become a man in the flesh. Through death He took the second step of resurrection to become a life-giving Spirit (1 Cor. 15:45b). As the resurrected God-man, He became the Spirit who gives life (2 Cor. 3:6, 17).
- "the Divine Economy" PP65-66
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MOW - 06,06,2024

2024年06月06日 14時07分01秒 | ministry of word
Grace is God in His Trinity procressed through incarnation, human living, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension to be eveything to us. After passing through such a long process, the Triune God has become everything to us. He is our redemption, salvation, life, and sanctification. Having been processed to become the all-clusive life-giving Spirit, the Triune God Himself is our grace.
- "Life Study of Galations" P96
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MOW - 05,06,2024

2024年06月05日 11時44分53秒 | ministry of word
The way to experience the cross in a practical way is to exercise our spirit to put off the self, to deny the self, and to turn our inner being to agree with the Spirit and to go along with the Spirit. If we do this, we will sense the presence and even the smile of Christ. By putting off the old man and putting on the new man, we will experience Christ as our life and everything, and Christ will possess, occupy, and saturate us. We will become people who are full of Christ and who are mingled with Christ as one. 
- "God's Intention Concerning Christ and the Church" P67
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MOW - 02,06,2024

2024年06月02日 19時54分53秒 | ministry of word
The Spirit today is both the Spirit of life and the Spirit of power. By receiving the Spirit of life through regeneration we are born of God to be genuine sons of God, possessing His very life. Once we have received the Spirit of life, we are genuine children of God. However, in order to carry out the Lord's work, we also need to receive the Spirit of power. By the Spirit of power we can work with the Lord for the accomplishment of His purpose. We need the Spirit of life in order to be sons, and we need the Spirit of power in order to do the Lord's work. Then, in addition to life and power, we need the growth in life. If we have life, power, and growth, we will be proper, balanced Christians who can be used by the Lord for His Body.
- "God's Intention concerning Christ and the Church" P23
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MOW - 27,05,2024

2024年05月27日 16時51分01秒 | ministry of word
Regeneration by the Holy Spirit is salvation, but it is based on redemption. Regeneration must have a base. God is holy, righteous, and pure, but we are dirty, wordly, and unrighteous. God can regenerate such persons only through His redemption. Thus, before God regenerated us, Christ died on the cross and shed His blood to wash and cleanse us from our sins. We were not only washed and cleansed but also forgiven and justified. Through redemption we were right in the eyes of God, so He could come in to regenerate us. Hence, regeneration was accomplished based on God's redemption. The regeneration of salvation is based on the blood of redemption.
- "the Central Line of the Divine Revelation" P279
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MOW - 09,05,2024

2024年05月09日 19時57分58秒 | ministry of word
in Matthew 25 the Lord Jesus gave two parables, the parable of the ten virgins, which deals with the Christian life, and the parable of the talents, which is related to our service. As far as our life is concerned, we should be as the virgins with the testimony of light in our hand as ww go out of this world to meet our Bridegroom. This is our life, the life aspect. We need the oil, and we need the testimony of light. We need to go out of this world, to wait for the Lord's coming back, and to go on to meet His coming. This is the Christian life. 

Immediately following this parable, the Lord gave us the parable of the talents, which is something related to our service, We need to use the talent, the gifr, which the Lord has given us, to do some business and to make some profit for the Lord. with the Lord's children there are always two aspects, the life and the service. We need to grow in life wih the oil, with the light, and with the going out of this world to meet the Lord in His coming back. We also need to exercise in a proper way what the Lord has given us as a gift, as a talent. 

- "The Collected Works of Witness Lee" 1969 volume 1 P68 "To Serve in the Human Spirit"
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MOW - 06,05,2024

2024年05月06日 11時09分54秒 | ministry of word
Whenever we call on the name of Jesus, we touch the reality of the Lord's name, which is the Spirit. No other name is so ful of reality, so powerful, so full of impact, and so full of authority as the name of Jesus. It is not a small thing, and it is certainly not a form, to call on the name of Jesus. Whenever we say, "Lord Jesus", we touch the reality. We are refreshed, satisfied, nourished, and watered. We cannot experience such a reality by merely reading the Bible. The highest way for us to touch the Spirit to call on the name of the Lord. 
- "Fulfilling God's Purpose by Growing in Life and Functioning in Life to Build up the Chruch" P56
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