
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

MOW - 18,04,2024

2024年04月18日 11時31分40秒 | ministry of word
It is not a matter of our doing good and refraining from evil, what matters is whether or not we express God and subdue His enemy to conquer the eath. These are the two aspects of God's purpose in the creation of man. God created man for a purpose, and that purpose is that man may express Him and subdue His enemy to conquer the earth. These two things are also the main aspects of God's purpose in regenerating us. God regenerated us in order that we may express Him and exercise His dominion over all things. This purpose of God must be fulfilled in our family life, our marriage life, and our church life. It must be realized in all the relationships between the brothers and sisters in the church. We must show the whole universe that in the church we have the image of God, and we exercise the dominion of God over all things, especially over His enemy Satan. 
 - "Fulfilling God's Purpose by Growing in Life and Functioning in Life to Build up the Church" P14
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MOW - 13,04,2024

2024年04月13日 14時24分26秒 | ministry of word
In order to build up the local churches, we need to be trained and discplined by the Lord in many aspects. 
1. we need spiritual growth.
2 we need to build up our character. in the building up of the local church, our character is nearly as important as our spiritual growth. Of course, if we have genuine spiritual growth, our character also will be built up.
3. we need love, not in word but in practice. the love that is needed for the building up of the local churches is not as sentimental, emotional love but a real and practical love. 
4. we need to be balanced in many ways. We need to be balanced in our spiritual experiences, in our understanding of spiritual matters, and in contacting people. 
5. we need the adequate knowledge of the Word. if we merely have experience without the proper knowledge, we are not balanced. we need knowledge to balance our experience. 
- "Fellowshipping Concerning Migration" P22
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MOW - 09,04,2024

2024年04月09日 11時34分18秒 | ministry of word
The proper way for us to experience Christ as life to us is to take care of the inner regulating of the law of life. Within us there is a continual inner regulating. The more we love Him, the more He will have the chance to operate within us and regulate us inwardly. The more we contact Him, the more the regulating will be active, positive, and forceful. If we would experience Christ as life in a proper way, we must take care of the inner regulating. To take care of the inner regulating means that we go along with Christ, who is life to us. 
- "Experiencing Christ as the Inner Life" P31
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MOW - 05,04,2024

2024年04月05日 10時36分10秒 | ministry of word
In the same way that our body is a vessel meant to contain our physical life, so too is our entire being - body, soul, and spirit - a vessel that is meant to contain something. God intends that we be filled with Himself as life. Once we are filled with Himself as life, He intends that we live by Him. God's salvation, on the one hand, is to recover us and cleanse us because we as created vessels have been damaged and dirtied by Satan, sin, and the fall. This, however, is not the positive side of God's goal in saving us. God's positive intention in His salvation is that after cleansing us He will put Himself into us. Christ's redemption and cleansing prepares us as vessels to receive God as life. God's ultimate and positive intention in His salvation is to come into us as life. 
- "Experiencing Christ as the Inner Life" PP9-10
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MOW - 19,03,2024

2024年03月19日 10時54分01秒 | ministry of word
One of the crucial points regarding our work for the Lord is that our work must be in the stream. Throughout the ages God has been working to fulfill His eternal purpose, and in every age His work has a stream, a current, a flow. This stream originated from God and is being carried out in and by the Spirit. Today this stream is the direction that the Lord is taking in the present age to fulfill His purpose. Those who work in this stream are doing the Lord's work, while those who work outside this stream are actually working against the Lord and His purpose. Thus, in order to truly serve the Lord, we must know the stream, the flow, of the Lord's work.
- "The Proper and Adequate Service to the Lord" P11
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MOW - 14,03,2024

2024年03月14日 12時57分12秒 | ministry of word
Today Christ is the all-inclusive Spirit so that we may experience, enjoy, possess, and partake of Him. The church is the issue of our enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ; it is produced out of Christ, who is in our spirit. In order to realize the church, we need to know, exercise, and release our spirit and do everything in the church life in and by our spirit. 
The church life is a place where we live in our spirit, not a place where we study in our mind. Therefore, we need to exercise our spirit in order to participate in the church life. 
- "Enjoying Christ as the Spirit and Caring for the Oneness and Increase of the Body of Christ" P68
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MOW - 08,03,2024

2024年03月08日 10時37分17秒 | ministry of word
the flesh is condemned and repudiated throughout this entire book ( Galatians), and from chapter three, every chapter gives a contrast between the flesh and the Spirit. The flesh is the uttermost expression of the fallen tripartite man, and the Spirit is the ultimate realization of the processed Triune God. The flesh inclines to keep the law and is tested by the law. The Spirit is received and enjoyed by faith. God's economy delivers us from the flesh to the Spirit that we may participate in the blessing of the riches of the Triune God. This cannot take place by the flesh keeping the law, but takes place by the Spirit being received by faith and experienced through faith. 
- "Life Study of Galatians" PP 135-136
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MOW - 06,03,2024

2024年03月06日 15時19分08秒 | ministry of word
In genuine prayer we pray together with God; we pray by accompanying Him. We pray according to the feeling that God gives us. This enables God to pray with us in our prayer. We are praying, and He is also praying. He and we pray together. He is within us; He is praying one with us. 
Whether or not such prayers are answered is secondary. The primary matter is that we pray by following the sense in our spirit; we allow God to pass through us and to mingle Himself with us. In this way we enjoy God and absorb Him.
- "How to Enjoy God and How to Practice the Enjoyment of God" P223
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MOW - 06,03,2024

2024年03月06日 07時17分50秒 | ministry of word
All that Christ is, all that He has accomplished, and all that He has obtained and attained are in the all-inclusive Spirit. This Spirit contains everything we need: resurrection, power, life, guidance, light, love, humility. Furthermore, this wonderful all-inclusive Spirit has been installed in our spirit. Hallelujah, the living Christ who is the all-inclusive Spirit is in our spirit! We can apply this wonderfully rich One simply by using our spirit.
- "Life Study of Romans" PP589-590
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MOW- 03,03,2024

2024年03月03日 13時34分11秒 | ministry of word
To know Christ in His death, His resurrection, His ascension, and His bountiful Spirit, we need to see that these four things are one. Death is a condition in which Christ died for us and with us, and resurrection is a condition in which Christ was resurrected by God from the dead and to release the divine life. If we have Christ in these conditions, we enjoy Him. It is the same with ascension and the Spirit. We cannot separate Christ from His ascension or from the life-giving Spirit. Christ is the life-giving Spirit. If He were separate from the life-giving Spirit, He would no longer be pneumatic. We can live in ascension by living in the pneumatic Christ, the Christ who is the Spirit in our spirit. 
- "Crystallization-study of Song of Songs" P 84
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