
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

MOW - 12,07,2023

2023年07月12日 07時32分40秒 | ministry of word
The central revelation of God is God becoming flesh, the flesh becoming the life-giving Spirit, and the life-giving Spirit becoming intensified sevenfold to build up the church to issue in the Body of Christ and to consummate the New Jerusalem. We need to see that the Triune God became flesh, that the flesh became the life-giving Spirit, and that the life-giving Spirit became the sevenfold intensified Spirit. This Spirit is to build up the church, which becomes the Body of Christ consummating the New Jerusalem as the final goal of God's economy. 
- "the Divine and Mystical Realm" P17
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MOW - 11,07,2023

2023年07月11日 19時37分30秒 | ministry of word
The cross denotes death, whereas the Spirit denotes resurrection. The life we God-men live in the Body of Christ should be a life of death and resurrection. Death brings us out of Adam, out of the old creation. Christ's death terminated the old creation, which includes us. Today the life that we live in the Body of Christ is a life of being delivered out of Adam and the termination of the old creation. However, this is merely the negative side. We still have the positive side of entering into Christ and the new creation. On the cross, Christ terminated the old creation for us that we might be delivered out of the realm of Adam; in resurrection He has made us alive and has brought us into His new creation. It is in the new creation that we can accomplish God's economy. 
- " the Governing and Controlling Vision in the Bible" P67
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MOW - 21,06,2023

2023年06月21日 17時43分02秒 | ministry of word
The word, the Spirit, and life are all wrapped up with our spirit. Thus, we must learn to study the word by exercising our spirit, and we must also learn to study with prayer. Whatever we study, we must turn into prayer, and then we must turn our prayer into our experience. When the word in the Spirit becomes our experience, the issue is life. The issue of the word and the Spirit is the experience of life. The only way for us to grow is by touching the word with prayer and turning the word with prayer into the Spirit, which issues in the experience of life. With the life of the Spirit from the word, we can build up the church. 
- "The Central Line of the Divine Revelation" P 136
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MOW - 13,06,2023

2023年06月13日 12時18分54秒 | ministry of word
Grace is God Himself given to us in Christ and dispensed into our spirit to be our portion. If we have a thorough understanding of the Bible, we shall realize that God has no intention to give us anything other than Himself. All things other than God are vanity. Our unique portion is God Himself, and grace is God as our portion for our participation, experience, and enjoyment. 
- "Life Study of Romans" message 64
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MOW - 12,06,2023

2023年06月12日 12時13分30秒 | ministry of word
God’s goal is the church, and the church is a corporate matter. 
Throughout the centuries of church history, the problems, the confusion, and the divisions took place due to the saints not seeing the corporate church of God. In the past the saints saw something concerning such items as God’s salvation, sanctification, and the need of being spiritual, keeping the holy Word, not loving the world, and being for the Lord’s interest and work on this earth. They also saw that we need to labor to win souls and that we need to be enthusiastic for evangelism to the extent that we would go to other lands for the spread of the gospel. However, all these items are not God’s goal but are the means to reach His goal. God has only one goal. God’s goal is unique. God’s ultimate goal is the church.
- "the History of the Church and the Local Churches" P3
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MOW - 11,06,2023

2023年06月11日 15時00分24秒 | ministry of word
Anyone who is brought to God must be terminated in the presence of God. In a sense, it is wonderful to be brought into the presence of God. But in another sense it means that you must be terminated. If you are not terminated, you will be killed. Hence, to be brought into the presence of God is both wonderful and serious, for it means that we shall either be terminated or killed. 
If we are willing to be terminated in the presence of God, it means that we are ready to be germinated, to be resurrected, to have a new beginning. It is the way of preparation to bring us into the presence of the King so that the King may be brought to us to give us a new start in resurrection. 
- "Life Study of Matthew" P118
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MOW - 16,05,2023

2023年05月16日 10時22分50秒 | ministry of word

In the Lord’s move there are two main types of service: the service for the tabernacle and the fighting. Today we must, on the one hand, maintain a strong and living testimony; on the other hand, we need to fight the battle. For fighting the battle we need those under the age of thirty, but for maintaining the testimony we need those thirty and over.
- "All Ages for the Lord's Testimony" P3
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MOW - 26,04,2023

2023年04月26日 09時18分26秒 | ministry of word
the divine economy is the issue of God's will, purpose, good pleasure, and counsel; hence, God's will, purpose, good pleasure, and counsel are all for the divine dispensing. The intention of God's economy is to dispense God Himself into His chosen people, making Himself one with them. God's intention iin His economy is to dispense Christ with all His riches to His believes chosen by God for the constitution of the Body of Christ, the church, to express the processed Triune God. First, the divine dispensing dispenses Christ with all that the processed Triune God is, has, and has achieved. Second, this dispensing constitutes the organic Body of Christ. 
- "the Central Line of the Divine Revelation" P39
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MOW - 31,03,2023

2023年03月31日 15時39分19秒 | ministry of word

Christ's death can be experienced by us only through Christ's resurrection, and Christ's resurrection can be real to us only by the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ has become the life-giving Spirit, and He is within us. When we turn to our spirit, we meet Christ as the life-giving Spirit, who is the very reality of Christ's resurrection. It is by this Spirit that we experience Christ's resurrection. To experience Christ's resurrection is to contact the life-giving Spirit.
In order to apply this we have to remain in our spirit all the time to meet Christ as the Spirit, who is the reality of His resurrection. 
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MOW - 16,03,2023

2023年03月16日 07時46分22秒 | ministry of word

the Lord's table is a testimony, a declaration, a proclamation, in a corporate way of the Christian life. We live and we walk by the crucified, resurrected, and ascended Christ. He is our life, and we live by Him day by day. Now once a week on the first day of the week, on the day of His resurrection, we come together to testify of this kind of life, to make a declaration, a proclamation, and a testimony in a corporate way to the whole universe that we live by the crucified, resurrected, and ascended Christ. 
- "the Ground of the Church and the Meetings of the Church" chapter 3
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