
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

MOW - 24,09,2023

2023年09月24日 16時34分07秒 | ministry of word
The book of Song of Songs shows us that the spiritual growth in life begins with seeking the Lord. Our seeking is always the result of our being attracted and drawn by the Lord. Whenever the Lord shows Himself to us, spotaneously we will be drawn to seek after Him. The seeking in this book is in a way of love. When we are attracted by the Lord, we start to seek Him by loving Him. After the seeking, there is the finding, which brings us into the real fellowship with the Lord. The seeking brings the finding, and the finding brings the fellowship. 
- "Life and Building as Portrayed in the Song of Songs" P109
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MOW - 20,09,2023

2023年09月20日 09時44分15秒 | ministry of word
The first stage of God's salvation, justification, takes care of our spirit; the second stage, sanctification, mainly deals with our souls, with a slight amount of saturation in our body; and the third stage, glorification, concerns our physical body. In Romans 8:10 Paul says that if Christ is in us, our spirit is life because of righteousness, meaning that God's justification we have gained righteousness. Through this righteousness our spirit has been made alive and actually becomes life. However, there is not yet the divine life in our soul. Therefore, we need to cooperate with the indwelling Christ by setting our mind upon the spirit, enabling the Spirit of life to saturate our mind with Himself. then our mind will be life. If we continue to cooperate, this saturating and spreading One will spread Himself from our spirit even into our mortal body. Then we only need wait for the time when our body will be brought into His glory. That will be our glorification. 
- " Life Study of Romans" P205
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MOW - 15,09,2023

2023年09月15日 11時20分08秒 | ministry of word
Life is a person, and there is no other way to apply and enjoy this person but by love. We need to love Him. 
Once we see the love of Jesus, we will be so constrained, so captured, and so attracted. We will spontaneously love Him. Then by loving Him, we will enjoy Him. This is life, and since this life is a person, there is no other way for us to experience Him but by love. Only by loving Jesus can we enjoy Him. 
- "Life and Building as Portrayed in the Song of Songs" P20
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MOW - 25,08,2023

2023年08月25日 14時08分02秒 | ministry of word

How can the Lord keep us from sinning anymore? How can He set us free from the slavery and bondage of sin? Simply because the great I Am has become our life, and this life is the light of life. When we received Him, He became our  life, and this life becomes the very light that brings us out of the darkness of sin. Only the light of life can set us free from the bondage and slavery of sin. The Lord could forgive us because He is the Son of Man who died for us by being lifted up on the cross. Now the Lord can deliver us and set us free from the bondage of sin because He is the great I Am living within us. He now becomes the life that is the light within us. This light of life can set us free from the bondage of sin and deliver us out of the darkness of sin. We must realize, therefore, that we are set free only by Christ becoming our life and light. 

- "Life Study of John" PP 239-240

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MOW - 24,08,2023

2023年08月24日 15時27分52秒 | ministry of word
God wants every local church to be administered locally so that Christ the Head can have the absolute position in every local church and so that the Holy Spirit can exercise complete authority in every local church. Whenever the church has a general council, a regional council, a unified council, or any kind of organization, it cannot be controlled directly by Christ the Head and cannot be directly unde the authority of the Holy Spirit. This kind of organization damages and frustrates the position of Christ the Head and the authority of the Holy Spirit in the church. All general boards, regional councils, unified councils, and other such organizations in Christianity are against the teaching of the Bible. They also damage the position of Christ as Head in the church and frustrate the Holy Spirit in the exercise of His authority in the church. This offends the Lord very much!
- "Crucial Truths in the Holy Scriptures" volume 6 PP 1062-1063
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MOW - 19,08,2023

2023年08月19日 19時56分15秒 | ministry of word
There could be many things in our life which take the place of the Lord Himself. God's plan is to work Christ Himself into you. This is God's goal, His ultimate intention. Do not think that God's intention is to make you merely spiritual. Even spirituality might become somthing in you that is in contradiction to God's plan. The work for the Lord, the activities in Christianity, the progress for the gospel, and so many other good things could possibly be a hindrance, a substitute for Christ. You need to be converted all the time from something other than Christ to Christ Himself. Whenever anything becomes a hindrance between you and Christ, you have to be converted from that to Christ Himself.
- "A Young Man in God's Plan" P28
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MOW - 19,08,2023

2023年08月19日 11時24分51秒 | ministry of word
To be baptized is to be righteous in the eyes of God. The termination and germination of our being is righteousness before God. One who has been baptized, who has been terminated and germinated, is right with God. God’s economy is to terminate our natural man and germinate us with a new life. If we would be right with God, we must be terminated in our natural life and germinated with His divine life. Termination and germination is the highest righteousness. The Lord Jesus, as the King of the heavenly kingdom, took the lead to be terminated. In this way He fulfilled righteousness in the eyes of God. Thus, He was the right person to establish the kingdom of the heavens.
- Life Study of Matthew P 127
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MOW - 09,08,2023

2023年08月09日 08時20分24秒 | ministry of word
The kernel of the Bible is that Christ has been revealed into us as life and that we live, have our being, and exist by Christ as the divine life. On the other hand, God put us into Christ with the desire that we would be conformed to the image of His Son, that we might be transformed into the image of Christ to be thoroughly one with Christ. This is the center of the Bible and this is God's plan. This is the way that God will build us together. Christ is in us, and we are in Him. Through regeneration, sancification. transformation, and conformation we will be built up together as a living Body to contain and express Christ for His glory and our glorification. 
- "A Young Man in God's Plan" P17
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MOW - 01,08,2023

2023年08月01日 10時39分37秒 | ministry of word
Revelation 1:18 And the living One; and I became dead, and behold, I am living forever and ever; and I have the keys of death and of Hades.

Whatever encounters death and still exists is resurrection. Resurrection is that which wothstands death and endures death. 
in the whole universe, only one came out of death. This One is our Lord. the Lord is the resurrected Lord. Resurrection is that which passes through death but is not imprisoned by death. Resurrection is the life that passes through death and rises above death. Our Lord Jesus is the life. He became dead and was in Hades. He was in the deepest place of death. But death could not imprison Him. Death was unable to detain or keep Him. He came out of death! when life passes through death and is not imprisoned by death, this is resurrection. 
- " Christ is All Spiritual Matters and Things" chapter 2
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MOW - 29,07,2023

2023年07月29日 17時05分18秒 | ministry of word
To be blended means that you are touched by others and that you are touching others. But you should touch others in a blending way. Go through the cross, do things by the Spirit, and do everything to dispense Christ for His Body's sake. We should not come to a blending meeting to be silent. We have to prepare ourselves to say something for the Lord. the Lord may use you, but you need to be tempered and crossed out, and you need to learn how to follow the Spirit to dispense Christ for His Body's sake. 
- "the Divine and Mystical Realm" P 88
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