Jeremiah 17:7 Blessed is the man who trusts in Jehovah, /And whose trust Jehovah is.
Jeremiah 17:8 And he will be like a tree transplanted beside water, /Which sends out its roots by a stream, /And will not be afraid when heat comes, /And it will not be anxious in the year of drought / And will not cease to bear fruit.
Jeremiah 17:7 and 8 are not concerned merely with such a shallow matter as trusting in God to receive material blessings. Actually these verses refer to God's economy carried out by His dispensing. God is the living water to be dispensed into our being in order to become our very constituent. We all need to see the crucial significance of absorbing God as the living water that we may be constituted with His element and essence.
- "Life Study of Jeremiah and Lamentations" P112