
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

MOW - 13,08,2020

2020年08月13日 10時57分32秒 | ministry of word
If we know Christ and look at all things with the view to knowing Christ, we will sense that all things are filled with Christ and are Christ. Although these things are not Christ Himself, those who know Christ will have a sense that these things express Christ. The universe is great and wonderful, and all things are bright and beautiful to express the power of Christ and to declare the glory and beauty of Christ. Although all things cannot express His power, glory, and beauty completely, let alone Himself fully, they enable us to know of Him and of His power, glory, and beauty. Thus, before He was incarnated in time on earth, He was being expressed in creation through all things for man to see, know, and appreciate. 
- "Christ and the Cross" P23
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« MOW - 12,08,2020 | トップ | 1 Peter 2:2 »



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