
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

MOW - 25,09,2024

2024年09月25日 12時54分25秒 | ministry of word
Christ is the allotted portion of the saints. Gid determined to give His Son, the all-inclusive Christ, to us. We are the saints, and God has given Christ to us as our blessed portion. 
Christ is our portion. This portion is God's beloved Son, who is the image of God, God's expression. Christ is the Firstborn of all creation; He leads all things to express God. When all things were affected by the fall, He shed His blood in order to restore and reconcile all things to God. Christ also resurrected from the dead to become the Firstborn from the dead in order to bring all His redeemed people into resurrection. Thus, Christ is the Firstborn of all creation and also the Firstborn from the dead. He has the first place in God's creation and in God's new creation.
- "The Great Mystery - Christ and the Church" P34
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« MOW - 25,09,2024 | トップ | Colossians 3:4 »



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