
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

Come to the Lord and Find Rest for the Soul

2020年12月09日 14時04分18秒 | Enlightenment&Enjoyment
Matthew 11:28 Come to Me all who toil and are burdened, and I will give you rest. 

what is this rest the Lord will give us?
this is the true rest for our soul. 
have you ever had such feeling? though you are lying in the bed, not doing anything, seemingly resting, your mind is still occupied with all the things going on and around. you have no rest for your mind, for you soul. But here, the Lord promised in Matthew 11:28, that He will give us rest, the true rest. this has been my experience. during the day, while I am still doing all the necessary things, I can still come to the Lord for rest. outwardly, I am not resting, because I am still busy doing stuff; inwardly,  I am resting in the Lord, enjoying perfect peace. the Lord does not say that He will deliver us from our busyness. the Lord promised to give our soul rest. 

how can we come to the Lord then?
in the four gospels, while the Lord was living on earth, the disciples, the people could come to the Lord physically. But how about us today? obviously, we cannot come to the Lord physically. He is no longer walking on the earth. but, the Lord went to the cross, resurrected from the dead, and accomplished all the things for us, so that He can become the life giving Spirit, entering into our spirit to be everything to us. therefore, today, when we say that we come to the Lord, it means that we turn to our spirit, where the Lord as the Spirit is. He has made Himself as available as the air. no matter where we are, what we are doing, we can always turn to our spirit, to come to the Lord. 

the ways to come to the Lord
1. call on the name of the Lord: this is the most simple way. we can call audibly, or we can call quietly inwardly. "Oh Lord Jesus, oh Lord Jesus." 
2. pray to the Lord: just pray some short and simple prayer. "Lord, I need You." "Lord, I come to You."
3. sing some hymns, etc
there are many different ways for us to come to the Lord. start practicing right now!! come to the Lord and find rest!!

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