Daily Sharing-13,03,2013: We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies in the evil one. - ( 1John 5:19) bit.ly/ZKqyFH
3月13日(水)のつぶやき: リロ @liloxu 02:093月12日(火)のつぶやき: リロ @liloxu 01:263月11日(月)のつぶやき: リロ @liloxu 01:283月10日(日)のつぶやき... bit.ly/Yo47oo
天使の目覚し時計homme オリジナルドラマ第二弾パティシェ編(cv.石田 彰)」: キタ─wヘ√レvv~(゜∀゜)─wwヘ√レvv~─!! 予約予約予約 ONLY YOU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 第二弾パティシェ編... bit.ly/WcCose
MR-14,03,2013: English version Your browser does not support the video tag Chinese version Your browser does n... bit.ly/XvXJPn
China names Xi Jinping president, capping his rise bigstory.ap.org/article/chinas…
MR-14,03,2013: English version <video src="liloxu.com/wp-content/upl…" c... bit.ly/XwHgud
Google Reader is dying, but we have five worthy alternatives zite.to/Ypw5Ad via @zite
Exodus Chp 1 voice by Lilo: English version Your browser does not support the video tag Chinese version Your b... bit.ly/1509Fq6
Daily Sharing-14,03,2013: To him who overcomes, to him I will give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the... bit.ly/ZONL9G