3月12日(火)のつぶやき: リロ @liloxu 01:263月11日(月)のつぶやき: リロ @liloxu 01:283月10日(日)のつぶやき: リロ @liloxu 00:34Genesis Chp 4... bit.ly/XoAmXM
Telecom cuts 120 staff at Gen-i Australia 3news.co.nz/Telecom-cuts-1… via @@3news
MR-13,03,2013: English version Your browser does not support the video tag English version Your browser does n... bit.ly/XqkJzg
China to abolish hated labour camps zite.to/XGVyWQ via @zite
If Math Is Universal, Why Can’t It Answer a Stupid Facebook Problem? zite.to/YYDc2v via @zite
Google ring to provide one hardware password to rule them all zite.to/YpSZEo via @zite
Why the Pope Wears Red Shoes zite.to/X4hQhD via @zite
Curiosity finds signs of life on Mars 3news.co.nz/Curiosity-find… via @@3news
Withdraw car park tax, Labour says 3news.co.nz/Withdraw-car-p… via @@3news
Rain on the horizon for Canterbury zite.to/X515CV via @zite. We really need rain
Google Launches Indoor Maps In Australia zite.to/X51tkU via @zite. When to NZ??
New Zealand parliament approves motion denouncing Affleck’s Argo zite.to/X51J3x via @zite. Much discussing movies indeed = =
Genesis Chp 50 voice by Lilo: English version Your browser does not support the video tag Your browser does no... bit.ly/YZHBlK
Solid Energy was allowed to increase debt 3news.co.nz/Solid-Energy-w… via @@3news
MR-13,03,2013: English version<video src="liloxu.com/wp-content/upl…" co... bit.ly/W8Cy3I
Serious water restrictions in Wellington 3news.co.nz/Serious-water-… via @3NewsNZ
Daily Sharing-13,03,2013: We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies in the evil one. - ( 1John 5:19... bit.ly/ZIWA4Z