
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

Praise the Lord for His movement in Shanghai

2012年09月17日 23時18分00秒 | Verse Sharing
One of my friend in Shanghai
Just said in weibo that
There are many messengers
Preaching gospel today

I suddenly remember In Matthew 4
" Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near"

Praise the Lord for His
Movement in Shanghai

Oh Lord Jesus
You are the one
Who owns the key of David
Open the door of Your heaven
Open the door of gospel
Open the door of faith
No one can shut

Shut the gate of the Hades
And no one can open

Thank you Lord
You love us so much

Lord, open the way in Shanghai
Speak to those in Shanghai
Touch their hearts
Draw them with cords of a man
And bands of love

Revive us to end this lawless age
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