
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

MOW - 28,11,2024

2024年11月28日 12時54分45秒 | ministry of word
God is embodied in the Son, and the Son is realzed as the Spirit for God's dispensing, so that God can dispense Himself into man. The Spirit is the realization of the Son, and the Son is the embodiment of God. By these two items, God dispenses Himself into His chosen people. The way for God to dispense Himself into His chosen people is for Him to first embody Himself in the Son. When the Son came, He came with the Father and by the Spirit, so He was the embodiment of the Triune God while He was on this earth. Second, the Son as the embodiment of the Triune God, is realized as the Spirit. The Spirit is the realization of the Son, who is the embodiment of God. By this way God dispenses Himself into us. The Spirit is the ultimate consummation of the processed Triune God reaching us.
- "The Divine Economy" P79

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