(by Robert McMillan:translated by Machiko Osawa 日本語訳は下にあります。)
So you’re a new student in Canada. How can you make friends?
To make a friend, you usually need to speak to people. That is difficult in a second language where it feels that you can never express yourself as well as in your native tongue. This language barrier makes it extremely difficult to make a friend.
Moreover, the whole idea of friendship is different in Japan and Canada – more on this in another article; but in short, Canadians tend to say they have far fewer friends than their Japanese peers. So, how do you make a friend?
あなたはカナダに新しく来た留学生ですか? さて、どうやって友達を作りますか?
(完全版は”Canada News for You”から)
Canada News for You
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* Video(カナダの教育を日本の子供にシリーズ:カナダからの特別な情報)
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Canada News for You (留学に必須の最新カナダ情報)
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Podcast [カナダにいらっしゃい!]