
カナダ留学・クリティカルシンキング専門家。Canadian Prairie/EcoCabin在住。 

[Japan is so weird. Or is it me?- A Language Takes 11 Years?!] Chapter2-9

2022-04-24 03:41:00 | カナダ留学

カナダ大学留学に備え真剣に準備する日本の中・高校生のためのSupport Group-カナダクラブ 
その貴重なパートナーであり、UX English (カナダからの英語学習サイト) AdministratorであるRobert McMillanが語るストーリー”Japan is so weird. Or is it me?” 


Chapter 1 Chapter 2-9 はこのリンクから


A Language Takes 11 Years?!

Late one night at a sleepy gas station in Shikoku, I accidentally froze the attendant. He diligently ran to my car and asked – more like shouted – if I was paying by cash (Genkin desu ka?), and I replied that I was fine, thank you (Genki desu, arigato!).  He stood bewildered, mouth open, fuel hose in hand, watching me with bowling-ball eyes. 

It was very obvious that I had misunderstood him. So I waited for another question. Patience was crucial, I learned, when making a mistake in Japanese. Shut up and patiently wait for someone to educate me. But no question came. We watched each other for a few awkward seconds before he turned, stuck the fuel hose into my van, and began to fill it up. 

I paid him in cash and drove away as he shouted thanks and bowed so low that I wondered if he had mistaken me for someone important. Someone more important than a tired young Canadian desperately trying to teach English to Japanese children and frantically trying to learn their language.

Filling up notebooks with hiragana and katakana; reading children’s books; speaking to locals with what I learned; making mistakes by the bucketful and barely clawing my way out. That would be an appropriate definition for my study of Japanese.

Confident by then that I had learned hiragana and would struggle with katakana forever, I turned to kanji. I spent hours of my life memorizing kanji characters, forgetting them, and memorizing them again. Still, kanji has my respect. It’s exasperating but beautiful. Kanji characters, interspersed with cursive hiragana and clunky katakana, look like graceful dancers. They seem to move even when still.  

It soon became clear that kanji would be a lifetime project. A foreign language is like that – a lot of work. The expert way to learn Japanese, says the author and comedian Dave Barry, is so easy: “be born as a Japanese baby and raised by a Japanese family, in Japan” (from Dave Barry Does Japan). For the rest of us, learning Japanese is hard. 

Learning any foreign language is a struggle when you haven’t been brought up around one. Most of us are not gifted with this skill. I am certainly not. My strength is with logic. I studied mathematics at university because I was a logical thinker. I leveraged that ability to study Japanese. To me, Japanese grammar was a math formula. I just plugged variables (words) into the formula. The word sappari, for example, was an adverb that could be conveniently dropped in front of verbs. 

That realization helped me understand my students better. What do you do with a student who cannot pronounce English? Or a student too shy to open her mouth in a conversation class? Try to find their strengths. What are they good at? What are they confident in? Find that and work with it. Praise them; make them proud of their strength; and watch it grow with them.

For students who can’t pronounce but have people skills, for instance, teach them to speak while watching their opponent’s reaction. Then, at signs of confusion – such as bowling-ball eyes – explain your ass off, using different words. That shy girl who could not speak but loved books? Leverage her writing skills and praise them. Good readers tend to be good writers. When a student is confident in her written work, she may vocalize it. I’ve had students, dead quiet until high school, suddenly start speaking full, thoughtful English sentences. 

I gave myself six months to a year. I would be fluent in Japanese by then, I told myself before coming to Japan. But I did not know much about foreign language study. I was immersed in a single-language culture while growing up, just as Japanese students are. It took me years to become proficient enough in Japanese to express my opinions and personality. Years of not understanding people. Years of wanting to speak but not being able to. Years of not getting close to people and feeling alone. 

I met a Ukrainian lady in Vancouver who suggested a better timeline for language learning. She came to Canada with little English ability, and it took her 11 years to feel confident speaking English. To feel confident that she could express herself, argue against injustices, and take on any situation with words. I reflected on my own experience and agreed. It took me roughly 11 years to feel confident speaking Japanese.

Today, education agents will tell Japanese students not to worry about their English before studying abroad. Study English there, they argue. It’s easy, they say. You’ll pick it up in no time, they add. 

Don’t listen to them. If you want to have meaningful conversation with your peers. If you want to avoid being taken advantage of. If you want to enjoy a life outside of your own loneliness. Don’t make the mistake I did. Prepare yourself. Study before you go. Your experience will be far richer. 

Life in Japan for me was far more enjoyable after 11 years.

Japan is so weird. Or is it me?
(to be continued)       

I still help students prepare writing skills for schools in North America. I love helping serious students, so give me a shout if you are interested. 




見るだけで眠気を誘うような四国のガソリンスタンドの夜遅く、わざとではないんだけど、店員を凍りつかせてしまった。店員は、一生懸命僕の車まで走り寄って来てこう聞いた – 聞いたというより叫んだ – 僕が現金で支払うかどうかを(Genkin desu ka?)。僕は「元気ですよ、ありがとう。(Genki desu, arigato!)」と答えた。店員はめちゃくちゃ混乱していた。口を開けたまま。ガソリンホースを手に持ったまま、目の玉が落ちそうになるくらい僕を見つめていた。





漢字の学習は一生ものだと、すぐ否応無しに納得した。外国語習得はみな同じ、膨大な努力が必要。余談だけど、こんなプロ級の方法もあるよと、作家でありコメディアンでもあるDave Barryが言っていた。「日本語習得には、日本で生まれ、日本の家族に育てられるのが最良の方法」 (from Dave Barry Does Japan) そんな幸運が訪れなかったほとんどの外国人には、日本語は難しい。









日本はそんなに変テコ? それとも僕?


私は現在もカナダ・アメリカの学校で学ぶのに必要なwriting skills を教え、日本の生徒が留学前に十分な準備が出来るよう指導しています。真剣に学ぶ意欲のある生徒を指導することには喜びを感じています。11年かかる前に十分準備したいですか? 連絡して下さい。



Pandemic禍の留学Support Group   Canada Club




カナダ発日本人のための本格的英語学習サイト UX English 


Podcast [カナダにいらっしゃい!] 



