Halydean had many incarnations, with reorganizations and even a redomicile. It is unique in that it was founded by the Crown, owned by the Catholic Church, then owned by the state, then owned privately by a succession of Lords and Barons, and is currently listed as a publicly traded company.
In 2014 Halydean Corporation was organized as a Delaware corporation, as a wholly owned subsidiary of The Barony and Lordship of Halydean (Scotland) by the current Lord of Halydean. Almost immediately following that, numerous other shareholders were appointed, such that the company has to use a stock transfer agent. Halydean Corporation is classified in the UK as a "subsidiary undertaking" of the Barony and Lordship of Halydean, as defined in section 1162 of the Companies Act 2006. This is unclear if Halydean Corporation should lay claim to the title oldest company on Wall Street, but it legally establishes the company as having a dignified pedigree in land holdings that can be traced to the year 1128.
1128年にスコットランド王によって創設されたHalydeanは教会によって所有され、1545~1602年は国家、1602~2014年は男爵たちによって個人的に所有された。それが現在の領主であるスコットランドのThe Barony and Lordship of Halydeanの完全子会社として2014年にデラウェア州の企業として組織されたものだ。(本社はウィスコンシン州)
Halydean was originally established in 1138 and originally consisted of many thousands of acres. As an income producing entity, it thrived for nearly 900 years on the simple precept of holding agriculture-related land. In 2004, the British Parliament divested Halydean of its land, and eventually Halydean was incorporated as an American company in 2014.
Today, Halydean Corporation is furthering the American farming heritage.
Shirley Plantation is an estate located on the north bank of the James River in Charles City County, Virginia, USA. Shirley Plantation is the oldest active plantation in Virginia and is the oldest family-owned business in North America.
The lands of Shirley Plantation were first settled in 1613 by Sir Thomas West, 3rd Baron De la Warr and were named West and Sherley Hundred. The land was cultivated for growing tobacco to be shipped around the colonies and to England.
The house has been occupied by the Hill Carter family since 1738 and has housed eight generations.
The house is largely in its original state and is owned, operated and lived in by direct descendants of Edward Hill I. The house was placed on the National Register in 1969 and recognized as a National Historic Landmark in 1970.
そして「ローバー」という名前が広く知れわたったので、会社名をローバー・サイクル・カンパニー・リミテッド (The Rover Cycle Company Limited) に変更した。
Frank Mason Robinson (1845–1923) was an important early marketer and advertiser of what became known as Coca-Cola.
During the winter of 1885, Robinson and his business partner, David Doe, came to the South in order to sell a machine they invented called a "chromatic printing device" which had the capability to produce two colors in one imprint. Upon arrival in Atlanta, Robinson and David Doe approached Dr. John S. Pemberton, and struck a deal. In 1886 Frank Robinson officially settled in Atlanta where a new business was made called the Pemberton Chemical Company consisting of Robinson, Pemberton, David Doe and Pemberton's old partner, Ed Holland.
Pemberton was experimenting with a medicinal formula which included coca leaves and kola nuts as sources of its ingredients. Robinson, who served as bookkeeper and partner to Pemberton, gave the syrup formula the name Coca-Cola, where Coca came from the coca leaves used and Cola for the kola nuts.
The name Coca-Cola was also chosen "because it was euphonious, and on account of my familiarity with such names as 'S.S.S; and 'B.B.B'" said Robinson himself. He was also responsible for writing the Coca-Cola name in Spencerian script which was popular with bookkeepers of the era and remains one of the most recognized trademarks in the world.
コカ・コーラの権利は、しばらくは人から人へと移り、裁判で争いになることもしばしばあった。最終的にコカ・コーラの権利は1888~1891年の期間にエイサ・キャンドラー (Asa Griggs Candler) のもとに渡り、1892年にキャンドラーはペンバートンの息子らと共にコカ・コーラ・カンパニーを設立した。
1895年頃には、流通網の拡大とCoca-Colaロゴと"Delicious and Refreshing" のキャッチコピーを活かした積極的なマーケティングにより、「コカ・コーラ」は米国のあらゆる州で手に入れることのできる国民的飲料となった。
これに関してはコカ・コーラ社のホームページにも「For one year only, our logo gets a dramatic, swirly makeover.」「This version of the script showed the greatest departure from Robinson’s original.」と記載があるだけだが、調べてみると同社が印刷した1891年のカレンダーで一度だけ使われたロゴとのことだ。そしてその貴重なカレンダーの画像も確認できる。
In 1890, a version of the logo was created and used only once, on the first calendar ever printed by the company. It features a style heavily reminiscent of musical notation and wholly out-of-kilter with the logo we know today. The creator of this design is unknown, but they certainly brought an unusual feel to the lettering.