子供の頃は いつまでも松の内の気分でいたく思っていたものでした。
三ケ日を過ぎると、晴れ着の着物からアンサンブルの着物に着替えさせてもらって、後は数日間 その着物を着る事ができました。
年々、年末年始の事をするのは 少しハードになってきています。元気なうちは家族のために おせちを作りたいと思い、ありのままに? がんばっていますが疲れます。
今年いちねん、どのような課題に直面するのでしょうか。日々の生活の事 そしてパソコンクラブでの
さまざまな難題 課題などをクリアするのを楽しみにしています。
New Year mood also had been passes to our members I suppose.
When My childhood , Oshougatu , I was abule to were Kimono of Most beatiful wich I had it.
And after passing the three days on new year days then change of casual Kimono from best it . after that it was able to wear the it for a few days.
So I was so happy feeling at the childhood so that was able to were Kimono in new years days
Now, I think it is difficult to move or play for children at the time,
Year after year, New Year's holiday is becoming hard. to make a Oseti that is New Year dener but will make it for my family as long as I will be in helth.
I wonder what kind of challenges our Computer Club or My daily life in this year.
I am looking forward to do it with membersn this year.