もの想う鷲 (A thinking eagle)


9月17日(Sep. 17) 今を精一杯生きる (Fully live the present moment)

2011-09-17 15:37:29 | 日記
9月17日(September 17) 今を精一杯生きる (Fully live the present moment)

精一杯 今を生きる 命さわやか
To the fullest extent  To live the present moment --- How gratifying and everlasting it feels!


「能断金剛般若波羅蜜多経(簡略すれば 金剛経)」の時間観は- - - -直線的ではなくて円環的である。無限の半径を持った円の中の中心に現在があり、ある物から他の物が出てその他のものがまた他の物に転じてゆくのではなくして、全てがそのままでそのものの中に生滅していくのである。」




Mr. Suzuki,Daisetsu wrote in his book "Japanese spiritualism" as follows.

"In 'Kongoh kyoh (Nohdan kongoh hannya haramita kyoh--in full)', time is thought to be a circle having the infinite length of radius instead of a straight line, and the present moment is the center of the circle. It is not thought that a second thing comes from a thing, and further a third thing comes from the second one. Instead, it is thought that all the being vanishes and regenerates in itself momont after moment."

I think this thought is very similar to that of 'theory of relativity' discovered and created by Einstein. A moving coordinates system has different length and time (Lorentz contraction) when viewed from a stationary coordinates system and if the moving velocity continues to change, the length and time of the moving coordinates system also will continue to change. The solar system moves toward Hercules Constellation with the speed of about 20km/sec, the universe continues to dilate and we feels we are at the center of the universe no matter where we may be stationed because the light itself is bent by the gravitation.

I live the present moment while chanting Nenbutsu in mind and feel indescribable gratification and everlastingness.


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