もの想う鷲 (A thinking eagle)


4月11日(April 11) 畑の準備(Preparation of the field for vegetables )

2011-04-11 23:56:09 | 日記
4月11日(April 11) 夏野菜の為の畑の準備(Preparation of the field for summer vegetables )

少年の 頃は好まず 何よりも 安堵させるは みみずの存在
In my boyhood I abhorred them, but now among other things, I feel relieved by their existence, earth worms.

これは、畑に住むみみずのことである。少年の頃は、魚釣りには必ずみみずを捕って餌にしていた。魚を釣るためには、必要だったので已む無くしていたが、見ただけで、胸が悪くなった。今は、畑を耕していて、発見したらほっとする。ダーウィンは著書の中で、「イギリスの各地で毎年40a あたり10トンの土がみみずの体を通っている」と述べていると百科辞典に記している。土の通気性を良くし、土を肥沃にするというのが通説である。少なくとも化学肥料だけでは死に絶えてしまうだろう。表土もまた大事だ。昔の人は靴に付いた土も必ず田に返していた。畑で出来たものは畑に返すというのも大事なことのようだ。牛馬の糞や鶏糞と藁と混ぜて発酵させ土に返すのである(病気の作物は焼いてしますが)。作物は殆どが酸性土壌を好むが、好む酸性度が違う。ほうれん草は、pH 7(中性)に近いのが良い.石灰(化学肥料)ではなく、有機石灰(貝殻を粉にしたもの)を振り、その後で水をかけてやればCaO+H2O=Ca(OH)2となり、この水酸化カルシュウムが酸性を中和してくれる。大抵の作物は、鶏糞と過燐酸石灰(野鳥の糞と考える)で用が足りる。これらは、持続可能な農法(有機農法)として大事なこと事柄だ。これからは、トマト、ナス、きゅうり、西瓜、南京、瓜等の植え付けの準備である。これらのことを考慮して準備をしなければならない。

This poem is about earthworms. In my boyhood I always captured them as baits for angling. It is indispensable to angle fish, but I used to feel like vomiting whenever I saw them. Nonetheless now I feel relieved when I see them, cultivating my vegetable field. An encyclopedia writes "Darwin writes in his book ' 10 ton soil goes through earthworm body per 40a(a=are=area unit=100m2) every year all over England field.'"It is generally accepted that eathworms make soil permeable and fertile. At least they will be annihilated only with chemicalfertilizers. Top soil is also important. Older generation farmers always took off the soil sticking to their shoes on the field when leaving the field. It is also important that every bit of crop not eaten by us (including weeds) had better be returned to the field. Mixed in with compost, straws, and water, and fermented, it had better be reterned to the field (crops stricken with illness have to be incinerated, though). Almost all crops like acid soil, though individual acidities are different. For example spinach likes acidity very near to pH 7 (neutral). Put organic lime (pulverlized shell) instead of caustic lime (chemical fertilizer), and then apply water on it. By the reaction CaO+H2O=Ca(OH)2, the resultant caustic Calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 neutralizes the accid soil up to near pH 7. almost all crops can be grown with poultly manure and overphosphurized calcite (It can be said to be wild bird manure). These things are important for the sustainable farming method (or organic farming method). From this week I have to prepare the field for tomatoes, egg plants, cucumbers, water melons, pumpkins,honey dew melons, etc., considering these things.

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4月9日(April 9) アインシュタイン博士の相対性理論(Theory of relativity)

2011-04-09 23:55:44 | 日記
4月9日(April 9) アインシュタイン博士(AD1879~1955)の相対性理論(Einstein's theory of relativity)

深遠な 理論なれども 理科系の 人間として 挑み続けん
Indeed abstruse theory, but I will continue to understand it as a scientific person through my life.

Encyclopedia Americana (アメリカーナ百科事典)によると、彼の経歴は次のようになっている。

Albert Einstein (AD1879~1955) は、高等学校教育までをミュンヘンで受けた。彼の父と叔父はそこで電気工場を開いていた。12才でユークリッド幾何学に精通し、その後数学と科学との分野において熱心に独学したので、16歳の時には積分までの数学と当時の古典物理であった領域の殆どを理解していた。杓子定規と試験をともなう正式教育は彼の好みでなかったので、1896年彼はスイスのチューリッヒ工科大学に入学し、1900年に卒業した。大学で職を得ることが出来なかったので、暫く高等学校で教えて後、1902年~1909年までスイス野首都ベルンの特許局で検査官として働いた。この間に、彼は独創的な仕事をした。1905年に発表した3つの論文は世界を驚かせた。光電効果、ブラウン運動、及び特殊相対性理論である。

私は、特殊相対性理論は、理解できた.今は1916年に彼が発表した一般相対性理論を現在勉強中である。Albert Einsteinが10年かけて完成しただけあって、難解である。リーマンの微分幾何学も理解しなければならないため時間がかかっている。しかしこの宇宙と物質そして時間と空間の本質に関わる根源的な方程式を理解すべく、生の続く限り挑戦しようと決意している。

ところで、このAlbert Einsteinが、多感な最も感受性の強い13年間(1896年から1909年))を、過ごしたスイスのチューリッヒとベルンは彼にきっとよい影響を与えたはずである。チューリッヒはチュッリッヒ湖を、ベルンは近くにビーレ湖とヌーシャトル湖を持ち、素晴らしい環境である。彼が生涯かけて守り通した素晴らしい博愛主義は、ある部分、この時期の両市の素晴らしい環境から影響を受けた思う。


According to Encyclopedia Americana, his early career is as follows:

Albert Einstein (AD1879~1955) received his elementary and secondary education in Munich, Germany where his father and uncle opened a electric factory.
At the age of 12, he became aquainted with Euclidean geometry and thereafter read so avidly in the field of mathematics and science that at the age of 16 he had a good understanding of mathematics up to calculus and most of what was then classical phisics. Formal education with its
pedantry and examinations is less to his liking. In 1996 he entered the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland, from which he graduated in 1900. Unable to obtain a university position, he taught high school for while and then an examiner at the Swiss Patent Office in Bern, where he worked from 1902 to 1909. During this period he created very ingenious work, culminating in 1905 in the publication of three papers: Annals of Phisics (about Photoelectric effect), Brownian movement (about molecular theory of matter), Eectrodynamics of moving bodies
(including special theory of relativity).

I can understand the special theory of relativity. Now I am studying the general theory of relativity. He completed this theory consuming ten years. Therefore it is difficult to understand. To understand this theory, I must understand Riemann's differential geometry, which needs time. All through my life I will try to understand Einstein's equation which is the basic one related to the essence of the universe & matter and time & space).

By the way, Zurich and Bern where he spent total 13 years of most susceptible period in his life impressed him in great deal by its scenic beauty, I think. Zurich has Zurich See, and Bern has Beeler See and Lac de Neuchatel nearby, together with their own environment.These marvelous environment of these cities in his adolescence might well conduced in part to his philanthropism through his life.

As an aside, Switzerland has 9 large lakes, at the southeastern corner of Switzerland, which is the source of the Rhone) of which all the other lakes (Boden See, Zurich See, Vierwaldstaetter See, Zuger See, Thuner See, Brienzer See, Lac de Neuchatel, Bieler See) except one (Lac Leman,located at the southwestwer corner of Switzerland, which is the source of Rhone) are the sources of the Rhein.The main fflow of the Rhine is from Boden See.The tributaries from the other 7 lakes flow iinto the Rhine to the north from Zurich.

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4月8日(April 8)クレー・シーズン始まる(Clay season starts)

2011-04-09 00:30:23 | 日記
4月8日(April 8)クレー・シーズン始まる(Clay season starts)

得意なる クレーシーズン 来るなり モンテカルロの ヅロー明日なり

His favorite clay season will arrive soon, Monte-carlo draw will take place tomorrow.

私の応援する Rafael Nadal のテニスの試合である。4月10日から、クレーコートの始まりの 連続する3つのMasters 1000の最初のものである Montecarlo Rolex Masters が始まるが、明日その抽選が行なわれる。出場選手56名、シード選手は16名で不戦勝は最上位8名である。Grand Slamの2000点(優勝者の得点)に次ぐ1000点(優勝者の得点)の大会だから、参加可能ならば全ての上位選手が出場する。現在 Rafael Nadal はNo.2の Novak Djokovic に、3170点の差をつけて、No.1であるが、Clay king と万人が認める彼としては、絶対に優勝しなければならない大会である。頑張れ Nadal.

This is regarding tennis match of Rafael Nadal whom I cheer for. The tournament of Montecarlo Rolex Masters which is the beginning of the successive 3 clay court Masters-1000s will start on April 10, and its draw will occur tomorrow. 56 players will participate in this tournament, 16 players are seeded, and top 8 players are given the first round bye (bye-meaning unfought win). This tournament gives the
champion 1000 points which is only next to Grand Slam which does 2000 points. Therefore all top players will enter it if they can. At the moment Nadal is ranked No.1 outpointing No.2 Djokovic by 3270 points, but as the king of clay ,as every one admit, he has to win it by all means. Go for it, Nadal.

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4月7日(April 7 )キーン教授と東北地方 (Professor Keene and Tohhoku Region)

2011-04-08 00:42:53 | 日記
4月7日(April 7 )ドナルドキーン教授と東北地方 (Emeritus Professor Donald Keene and Tohhoku Region)

災害を 受けし地方に いやましの 情を持つ人 有りがたきかな

To the region stricken with this detestable catastrophe, the more tender sentiment he has, it is hardly met and a welcome news.  




According to the newspaper I mentioned yesterday he is reported to say as follows:

"Ever since I travelled along the route of "The narrow road to Oku" 56 years ago at the age of 33, I have been developing a special feeling for Tohhoku Region. Therefore I often visited the spots of scenic beaty such as Chuhsonnji and Matsushima, etc. since then. I lectured in Tohhoku University for half a year, and I have been on intimate terms with the priests of Chuhsonnji. So I worry very much as to what happened to the region and my friends living there."

I think he has so much affection to the region and Japan that he decided to apply for naturalization as I mentioned yesterday. I feel grateful to him.

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4月6日(April 7)ドナルドキーン教授の近況 (Latest news of Emeritus Professor Donald Keene)

2011-04-06 22:22:56 | 日記
4月6日(April 7)ドナルドキーン教授の近況 (Latest news of Emeritus Professor Donald Keene)

祝うべし 教授の帰化は  日の本の こころ世界に さらに知らしむ

We should celebrate Professor's naturalization, He will let the world more familiar with the Japanese souls.


According to a today's newspaper, Mr. Keene will retire from Columbia University at the end of this month. He is now 88 years old. He was reported to say that he would apply for naturalization in Japan, and live in Tokyo to forcussedly read and write books,if he was allowed to naturalize. His written books outnumbered 40 during 70 years of his study life. His 3 self-recommended books among them are "History of Japanese literature","Asikaga Yoshimasa and Ginkakuji",and "Wars of Japanese". He says that first he will complete "Critical biography of Masaoka Shiki" now midway written.

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4月5日(April 5)農業の恵み(Bounty of agriculture )

2011-04-05 23:56:45 | 日記
4月5日(April 5)農業の恵み(Bounty of agriculture )

二つ有る 農の恵みは 何なりや 食べ物の奥に 自然環境

Two bounties come from agriculture, What are they? Behind food, Natural environment


Indeed farmers produce food, but actually they try to make soils fertile. Earth worms, insects, microbes makes soil fertile and sustainable.
For that purpose complicated and troublesome works like arganic farming method, at-least-3-times levee-grass cutting, everyday-minute-control of water supply to each paddy field, etc.,are required. By such works farmers have been preserving the natural environment of the countryside.
If they seek only efficiency of today in farming, the natural environment and the soil will be destroyed and ruined. Typical creatures and grasses maintained by the above-mentioned suatainable farming method are as follows:

生物(Creature) :オタマジャクシ(Tadpole)、多種類の蛙(Many kinds of frogs)、ユスリ蚊(Midge)、
ミミズ(Earth worm)、エビ(Shrimp)、アメンボ(Water strider)、ヤゴ(Dragonfly nimph)、ウンカ(Leafhopper)、
トンボ(Dragonfly)、糸トンボ(Damselfly)、多種類ノクモ(Many kinds of spiders)、トビ虫(Springtail)、
川ニナ(Marsh snail)、メダカ(Oryzias latipes latipes)、鮒(Roach)、多種類の亀(Many kinds of tortoises)、
白鷺(Greater,Intermediate, Little egret)、カイツブリ(Grebe)、燕(Swallow)

草 (Grass) :アザミ(Thistle)、スミレ(Violet)、蓬(Mugwort)、ヨメナ(Starwort)、
ツリガネニンジン(Adenophora triphylla var. japonica)、スイバ(Sour sorrel)、タンポポ(Dandelion)、
ミソハギ(Purple loosestrife)、キキョウ(Balloonflower)、オミナエシ(Patrinia Scabiosaefolia)、
ワレモコウ(Burnet)、ドクダミ(Houttuynia cordata)、ゲンノショウコ(Cranesbill)


Among the above creatures and grasses many are decreasing fast in number due to the increasing degree of efficiency-oriented farming method.
EU was aware of this fact about 15 years ago, and changed its farming method. And now it recovered its food self-sufficient rate up to about 80%. Japan should follow suit.


I summarized the thought of Mr. Uno,Yutaka about agriculture as above, to support his innovative movement as a person who knows agriculture because I sympathize with his thought.For more detail please refer to his related articles on Internet. He issues many books.

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4月4日(April 4)寺の本堂破風の鳩避け(Prevention of pigeons from roosting in the temple gable)

2011-04-04 22:23:48 | 日記
4月4日(April 4)檀那寺の本堂破風の鳩避け(Prevention of pigeons from roosting in the gable of our parish temple )

大工さんの 智恵不可欠なり 鳩避けの 工事詳細 定まれり
Carpenter's advice is indispensable, Work detail of prevention of pigeons is decided.

檀那寺の破風の鳩避けの工事詳細を腕のよい大工さんと協議して決定した。彼は住宅建築によく使用されるコーチボルト (coach bolt) またはラグスクリュウ (lag screw)を使って破風板に鳩避けの枠を取り付けるようにと忠告してくれました。私はJISの六角ボルトで破風板に貫通穴を開けてこれで鳩避けの枠を固定するつもりであったが、貫通穴を開ければ、破風板は早く腐ってしまうといわれた。

By consulting with a skillful carpenter, I designed the wire-mesh and metal framework to prevent pigeons from roosting in the gable of the main sanctuary of our parish temple. He advised me to fix the frame of the pigeon prevention framework to the gableboard by coach bolts (othewise lagscrews) popularly used in the house building industry. I planned to do it by usual JIS bolts, in which case the gableboard would have to be bored through. He said in the latter case, the gableboard would become rotten quickly.

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4月3日(April 3) 念仏すること (To do "NENBUTSU")

2011-04-03 23:43:21 | 日記
4月3日(April 3)念仏すること(To do "NENBUTSU")

生きること 念仏すること 同じなり 南無阿弥陀仏 南無阿弥陀仏


念仏には2つある。称名念仏 と 心で念仏を称える こととである。私は、今は、常住坐臥、呼吸とともに心で念仏を称えている。数息観(「ひー、ふー、みー、よー、いー、----、とー、ひー、ふー、みー、---」の様に気海を丹田において、息をしながら心で数を数えて)で 坐禅をするのと同じ様に、気海を丹田において、常住坐臥、心で念仏を称えるのである。

"NENBUTSU"has two kinds: voiced one and one that is said in the mind.Nowadays I practise the latter, that is to say, I almost always , say NAMUAMIDABUTSU in mind each time I breathe in or out, whenever possible, while I am awake. Just like practising Zen-meditation by counting number(counting "one","two","three","four" ,- - - - ,"ten","one","two","three",- - - in mind, each time of calm breathing-in or -out by abdominal beathing), I do the same even though I don't sit, whenever possible, while I am awake. It is my way of living. From a moment not
far ago I have been being able to do it very naturally.
In my university days, my Zen-teacher ,Zen-priest Rev. Nakagawa, Sohen taught me "You can practise Zen-meditation by 'NENBUTSU' if you believe in "Johdo Sinshuh(a sect of Buddhism based on 'NENBUTSU' )." I followed his teaching, sometimes practising Zen-meditation by 'NENBUTSU', othertimes by counting number, and at later stage of my life I had been forcing myself to say 'NENBUTSU' in mind while I am awake even though I don't sit.I think such my effort is bearing fruit now.For me "Johdo Sinshuh" is as precious as Zen-buddhism.

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4月2日(April 2)ファン心理(Fan psychology)

2011-04-02 23:41:49 | 日記
4月2日(April 2)ファン心理(Fan psychology)

我ながら 如何に抑えん この気持ち ファン心理は 摩訶不思議

Beside myself, I cannot control this excitement, Fan psychology is absurd but exhilarating.

私は、プロテニス・プレーヤの現在のランキング No.1の Rafael Nadalの大のファンである。彼の謙虚で一途なプレー振りが好きで、彼が19才で 初出場でFrench OpenのChampionになった時に初めてテレビで見て、直ぐ応援するようになった。それ以来彼の熱狂的なファンである。今日は、米国のMiamiで Masters 1000 のトーナメントがあり、その準決勝の彼の試合は録画していた(朝8:00~10:30)。雑用で朝4:00頃まで起きていたが、怪我をした膝頭に水が溜まって痛かったので、明日は日曜日で医者は休みなので、朝10時に起床して、午前中診察している整形外科医院に見て貰いに行った。帰ってきて12:30頃からその録画を見た。Internetを見れば結果はすぐ分かるのだが、昨日の試合を見て、彼の体調が万全でないようだった上に、相手は前No.1のRoger Federerで強敵であったので、Internetを見るのが怖くて、録画に見入っていた。幸いにNadalは好調で勝利した。それから安心してInternetの記事をよみあさった。

I am a fanatic fan of Rafael Nadal who is a famous professional tennis player, now ranked No.1in the world. For the first time I watched him capture the championship in his first French Open tournament at the age of 19 in TV, which immediately attracted and urged me to cheer for him because he played very fairly and concentratedly.Today He was to play semifinal match of Masters 1000, in Miami, USA,(Japan time 8:00~10:00) against Roger Federer, his predeccesor No.1, strong contender. I recorded the match in my TV. I worked untill 4:00am this morning, but got up at 10am to consult with a nearby orthopedist, who worked untill noon today, to have my injured and aching kneecap checked. (All doctors are off tomorrow (Sunday).) Immediately after returning home around 12:30,I swithched on TV to focussedly see the recorded match without browsing on Internet.
I did not want to browse on Internet because I thought Nadal's phisical condition was not so good judging from the yesterdsy's match and I feared that he might have lost the match.Fortunately He was good enough to easily win the match.Then in relief I wildly browsed on Internet.

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4月1日(April 1)天地の恵みとこの災害-(1/2)(Bounty of the sun & the earth and this catastrophe)

2011-04-02 01:45:55 | 日記
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