もの想う鷲 (A thinking eagle)


11月2日(November 2 ) 祝島に計画中の原子力発電所

2011-11-01 23:51:58 | 日記
11月2日(November 2 ) 祝島に計画中の原子力発電所(Nuclear power plant planned to be constructed in Iwai Isle)

日の本の 叡智を示せ この島に 
Display the spirit and wisdom Of Japan  On this isle.

ここで 問題となっている祝島の原子力発電所について考えてみます。 先日の上関町の町長選挙の結果は、多くの原子力発電に批判的な人々には、残念なことですが、原子力発電所の設置に賛成である現町長が反対派の前町議の候補を1868対905で破って三選を果たしました。しかしながら、今回は、今まで反対でもそれを表明できなかった人々も、その意見を表明できるようになり、祝島の選挙民は5百人位ですが、その9割が反対を表明できたようです。原発の交付金に期待を寄せる人々、原発の工事に関わる地元の建設業者などは、概して工事の再開を望んでいたようです。 30年もの間、反対を続けて来た、祝島の多くの人々にとっては大変残念であっただろうと思います。

私は、勿論、この世界一地震の多い、どこに設置しても、危険な断層や、過去の地震の震源地に近い、この日本に、原子力発電所を設置すること自体、無謀なことであると考えています。 その故に、放射能廃棄物の 廃棄場所を持たぬこの国での、廃棄の方法は、故高木仁三郎氏が言われていたように、監視が容易に出来るように容器に入れて管理し、その容器が劣化してくれば、その周囲に容器を被せることしか方法がないのです。 (地下に埋めれば、地震でどこに行くかわからないし、また地震で地下水に接触すれば地下水の汚染になる。)プルトニュームの廃棄物は、半減期は24,000年であるから、放射能が1/1,024になるには、24,000年×10=240,000年(2の10乗=1024だから)かかるのであるから、これだけの期間管理し続ける必要があるのです。こんなことが可能ですか。

さらに心配なことがあります。祝島に原子力発電所を設置すれば、改善された加圧水型の原子炉といえども、運転中の冷却水、及びメンテナンス期間での洗浄の為や冷却の為の水が海に放出され、この中には汚染された水も含まれています。また運転中に冷却に使用される大量の海水は高温になって排出されます。これらが瀬戸内海を放射能で汚染したり、その水温を高めて、生態系を破壊します。瀬戸内海は、中国山地と四国山地からのミネラル豊かなきれいな水のお陰で、日本一 おいしくて豊富な 魚貝類、海藻類 を我々に提供してくれる、かけがえの無い内海です。
27,000年~11,000年前の最終氷期の頃は、海面は現在より120m~140m低く、この時には、高梁川は、冒頭の図に示されているように、流れ下って、祝島の側を通って豊後水道に流れ下っていたのです。勿論、太田川、佐波川、などの高梁川より西の広島県、山口県の瀬戸内海に注ぐ全ての川、瀬戸内海に注ぐ香川県の土器川から 愛媛県の肱川までの川もこの大きな川を通っていたのです。これは 「陸棚谷」 と呼ばれるものです。(岩波書店発行「日本列島の20億年」の159ページ参照)
現在の瀬戸内海の面積の約3/4を占める部分の潮の干満 も 全てこの道を通っているのです。従ってこれらの汚染された水や高温となった水は瀬戸内海の約3/4の生態系を破壊し大変な事態になると考えます。内海であるが故に、かなりの部分の汚染水は内海に留まり、累積し続けることが事態を更に深刻にすると考えられます。



Here I am debating on a nuclear power plant in question which is planned to be constructed in Iwai Isle. The result of the election, voted the other day, of the head of Kaminoseki town to which Iwai Isle belongs,is, to the chagrin of the people against the construction of the nuclear power plant, the incumbent head, who is advocating it, wan for the third time with the votes of 1868 versus 905, this time against a candidate of former town-assembly-member. However this time atmosphere changed and the people protesting its construction who could not openly express their opinions previously , did so and 90 % of Iwai Isle eligible constituents polled for the latter protesting its construction. People who
are looking forward to the subsidies accompanying the construction of the neclear power plant, or the construction company employers in the town, in general, seemed to hope for the continuation of the project. I think the result of this election was very regrettable to the majority of the islanders who have been protesting its constructin for 30 years.

As a matter of course, I am of the opinion that it is absolutely reckless to install nuclear power plants in this small country beneath which 4 tectonic plate collide and therefore earthquake is most severe and frequent in the world and whereever they may be installed they are very near to seismic faults and/or previous epicenters. In this respect,this country has no place for the nuclear wastes and the only way to protect people from these dangerous wastes is to make a container for each block of wastes to facilitate keeping vigilance, and continue to construct another new container around the old container if the container withered, one after another, as deceased Mr.Takagi,Jinzaburoh insisted.(Even if the wastes are buried deeply under ground in a thick-walled concrete box, they will spill out and/or pollute the underground water if the box should be broken by earthquakes .) Plutonium waste has 24,000 years half life period and and if its radio-activity has to be reduced to a thousandth to become non-dangerous, we have to keep vigilance for 240,000 years (24,000×10=240,000) continuing to construct containers one after another.(because 10th power of 2 is about 1024.) Do you think it possible?

Furthermore I have another fear. If a nuclear power plant is installed in Iwai Isle, the cooling water for the operating nuclear reactor and/or the cleansing water for the radiation-contaminated parts during the maintenance period, will be discharged into Seto Inland Sea, even if per-hour quantity of the water is reduced because an advanced version of the reactor such as up-to-date version pressurized water type reactor is adopted, therein radiation-contaminant water will be still included and this radiation-cantaminant water and/or higher temperature water after absorbing heat during heat-exchange process will destroy the eco-system of Seto Inland Sea. Seto Inland Sea gives us one of the best quality and most voluminous fish & shell fish and seaweeds in Japan because mineral-rich water flows from Chugoku and Shikoku mountain ranges through many rivers into it.
In the last stage of ice age namely 27,000 to 11,000years ago, when the sea level was 120m to 140m lower than that of the present,Takahashi River flowed through Seto Inland Sea into Bungo Water Way as the map at the top of the column shows. As a matter of course all the rivers flowing into Seto Inland Sea in Hiroshima and Yamaguchi Prefectures such as Ohta River, Saba River, etc (from Takahashi River to the west) and all the rivers flowing into Seto Inland Sea in kagawa and Kohchi prefecture from Doki River to Hiji River also ran into this great river.
Such river is called "shelf channel".(Refer to Page 159 of the book titled "2 billion years of Japanese Archipelago" published by Iwanami Book Store.)
As you can easily guess, the tidal flow of about 3 fourths of Seto Inland Sea follows this route. therefore radiation-contaminant water and/or
higher temperature water will destroy the eco-system of Seto Inland Sea and inflict severe damage on us. Because of the inland sea, a considerable percentage of the radiation-contaminant water will remain therein and accumulate aggravating the consequences further more.
The tidal flow of Seto Inland Sea to the east from Takahashi River, runs through the south and north of Awaji Island.

As the above consideration suggests, I have a grave fear that installation of a nuclear power plant in Iwai Isle may destroy Seto Inland Sea so indispensable to us. This is not such an improbable fear as an old-time Chinese had that clouds might fall down on him.

I found it out that only Ikata Nuclear Power Plant is stationed in a inland sea at the present moment and installed right at the threshould side of Seto Inland Sea between Seto Inland Sea and Bungo Water Way. We have to check the pollution of Seto Inland Sea by Ikata Nuclear Power Plant.

I thank AMIDA BUDDHA and SHAKA BUDDHA and vow to preach the gospel of Buddhism.
南無阿弥陀仏 南無阿弥陀仏

The end
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