もう、ここには来ない…日本を見限る外国人労働者:日本経済新聞 s.nikkei.com/1k4H54e?研修を名目に低賃金で働かせたのだから当然の反応。水産加工や養豚など、帰国した後、高度な技術を途上国に移転するという名目には一致しない職種で研修生を集めて働かせた結果である
小泉改革以来、今や役所の窓口は、ほぼ派遣です。これも同じ構図。年金の窓口の派遣さんは、あまりの苦情に精神を病んだ人もいるとか。時給二千円にしても人が見つからなかったとも。→警察官を警備する人たち~辺野古での光景 - bit.ly/1nTGdim
あちゃぁ、意外。 RT @yuki_bateauivre: しかも頭一つ抜けてる…! RT @ohnojunichi 母子家庭、父子家庭の貧困度。世界一は、日本です。 pic.twitter.com/1ETAqH1EPx
will @un do anything more than worry about israeli nonstop crimes for the UN things in Gaza? pic.twitter.com/EfF1B5009x
放射線管理区域 一般人厳重立入禁止の基準が、ちょうど毎時0.6μSvになる
#Photo|These are some of the Palestinian military targets destroyed by the most moral human army,15
#GazaUnderAttack pic.twitter.com/vJaY31cL6K
#Photo|These are some of the Palestinian military targets destroyed by the most moral human army,14
#GazaUnderAttack pic.twitter.com/GSGIfiuLOr
#Photo|These are some of the Palestinian military targets destroyed by the most moral human army,13
#GazaUnderAttack pic.twitter.com/mRmxXm9ipy
#Photo|These are some of the Palestinian military targets destroyed by the most moral human army,12
#GazaUnderAttack pic.twitter.com/okLG3MpgLB
#Photo|These are some of the Palestinian military targets destroyed by the most moral human army,10
#GazaUnderAttack pic.twitter.com/3dz2R1ykwK
#Photo| These are some of the Palestinian military targets destroyed by the most moral human army,9
#GazaUnderAttack pic.twitter.com/shZcSceYUh
#Photo| These are some of the Palestinian military targets destroyed by the most moral human army,8
#GazaUnderAttack pic.twitter.com/gqT91y2bBh
#Photo| These are some of the Palestinian military targets destroyed by the most moral human army,7
#GazaUnderAttack pic.twitter.com/AirNReVm0f
#Photo| These are some of the Palestinian military targets destroyed by the most moral human army,6
#GazaUnderAttack pic.twitter.com/6EggUJTFqH
#Photo| These are some of the Palestinian military targets destroyed by the most moral human army,5
#GazaUnderAttack pic.twitter.com/l6hrLR2DHG
#Photo| These are some of the Palestinian military targets destroyed by the most moral human army,4
#GazaUnderAttack pic.twitter.com/EBl7e6M42d
#Photo| These are some of the Palestinian military targets destroyed by the most moral human army,3
#GazaUnderAttack pic.twitter.com/WZwDT1UKPC
#Photo| These are some of the Palestinian military targets destroyed by the most moral human army,2
#GazaUnderAttack pic.twitter.com/g7BfXUQaQn
#Photo| These are some of the Palestinian military targets destroyed by the most moral human army,1
#GazaUnderAttack pic.twitter.com/qVt6YWWaop
日本にも起こりうる現実。RT @konta1900: @iwakamiyasumi 田中龍作氏や志葉玲氏のツイートによれば、イスラエルはガザの発電所・港、病院、学校など社会的インフラを次々と攻撃しているようです。