The extraterrestrial Greys look relieved at President Trump's words that the whole world will be 
These People Need To Be Arrested And Sentenced To Imprisonment Or Execution.  🤬😡😠😤👿👹💀👽☢️☣️
Turdeau, You Will NOT Be Able To Hide In Your Cowardly Cottage At Harrinton Lake.  🙁😠😡🤬👿🖕🇨🇦
the Internet, where the evil of "abysmal evil" and "plausible lies" was active. 
So, they were disguised as "liberals" and infiltrated various government agencies, and
The Chinese government's much-hyped propaganda should not fool us
the "Nanjing Massacre" is used by the Chinese government as a tool to criticize Japan. 
If the government is this brutal, the barbarity of some of its citizens will increase.
The developed world can no longer tolerate such appalling behavior.