文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The developed world can no longer tolerate such appalling behavior.

2022年06月14日 11時55分24秒 | 全般
The following is from a tweet by Hideki Kakeya, Dr.Eng.
Hideki Kakeya, Dr.Eng.
As I keep repeating, among renewable energies, solar and wind power, in particular, have a remarkably low energy density.
Therefore, obtaining large amounts of electricity involves destroying vast areas of nature.
That's why I advocate calling them "nature-destroying energy" instead of "renewable energy."

Quoted tweet
Sankei News.
'Emotionally uncomfortable' Miyagi Gov. opposes KEPCO's wind power plan.
He stressed, "The spread of renewable energy is significant, but I am concerned about losing the value of the mountain forests we have been protecting for many years."

The beauty of Japan's mountains and seas, which the Japanese people have protected since the beginning of time, is being undermined by the antics of Asahi and NHK, symbols of the pseudo-moralists who came to live in Japan only 76 years after the war, and the so-called intellectuals who sympathize with them.
Those who love Japan must not stand by and let these kindergarten-age, preachy people destroy Japan's scenery, which is the best in the world, for any length of time.
Our duty as Japanese is to preserve and protect the irreplaceable Japanese landscape.
It is long past time for the Japanese people to realize that China, with the evil of a one-party Communist dictatorship, is involved in not only solar panels but also wind power generation, in addition to the "abysmal evil" and "plausible lies."
China's statements at the International Security Conference in Singapore were nothing but a demonstration of"abysmal evil" and "plausible lies."
The developed world can no longer tolerate such appalling behavior.
Only emerging countries and dictatorships, which are not really nations at all, tolerate such a terrible scene.
The problem is always poverty.
Poverty leads to poverty of spirit, poverty of intellect, or death, as China and the countries that follow it have proven.
It is long past time for the Japanese people to realize that China, with its "unfathomable evil," "deceptive lies," and the evil of a one-party Communist dictatorship, is involved in not only solar panels but wind power generation as well.
There was a time when I visited Shirahama many times on the Hanwa Line.
I acquired the life insurance building in front of Shirahama Station in Wakayama.
As already mentioned, the scenery from the train window changes drastically from the halfway point.
Wakayama Prefecture, as its name suggests, is a mountainous prefecture.
As a result, it must be one of the poorest prefectures in the Kinki region.
That must be why such an outrageous and foolish act has gone unchecked.
The poverty that cannot even maintain or protect the landscapes of its ancestors.
A decent Okinawan citizen, who had seen such poverty in the mountainous areas of Japan many times on TV news, had said in a feature article in the Japanese edition of Newsweek.
"Whenever I watch the TV news, I always think, 'We are better off than the people on the mainland. I always feel that we are much better off than the people on the mainland. The people on the mainland are poorer. We feel bad that the people on the mainland sacrifice their way of life to help us."
I was constantly reminded of this.

Miyagi Prefecture is my hometown.
Sendai is the capital of Tohoku.
Miyagi Prefecture is not only a rich country but also a leading academic city in Japan.
Niko, that is, Tohoku University is the leading academic capital of Japan, which was established after Ichiko, that is, the University of Tokyo.
It is also evident that Sendai's academic level, or the level of its intellect, is one of the best in Japan.
Perhaps it is because of its poverty, maybe it is because of its low level of learning, or perhaps it is because of its inferiority in terms of intellect. Still, the fact is that Sendai has been the leading academic city in Japan since the beginning of time, and it is a city that has been preserved and protected since its foundation.
Wakayama Prefecture has easily destroyed the Japanese landscape that has been preserved and protected since the beginning.
Miyagi Prefecture must not allow itself to be fooled into making the mistake of Wakayama Prefecture.
If KEPCO has the time to be antics with wind power generation in Miyagi Prefecture, it should be doing something about it.
If KEPCO has the time to be antics with wind power generation in Miyagi Prefecture, it should be doing something about it. It has been Illegally in front of the headquarters' premises for more than ten years, activists like those lying on the ground with a banner against nuclear power plants, receiving a daily allowance.
The Chinese are the ones who have been funding these activists.
The possibility that China is funding them is great, so they should not be left unchecked.
If the KEPCO employees know they are part of Japan's elite, they should first urge the government to restart the nuclear power plants for national security.
To the Governor of Miyagi Prefecture, as "Date Masamune of Now," I present a million-person force to support him.


