#June 新着一覧
6月:June(水無月) 2024(令和6)年🐉
ジューン:ローマ神話のJuppitel(ユピテル)の妻Juno(ユノ)から取られた名前だそうです。 ユノが結婚生活の守護神であることから、6月に結婚式を挙げる花嫁は、June bride(ジューン・ブ
2024年06月01日(土) 6月がスタート
Let's go for a drive 💕
Cherry and Silk
Cherry and Silk (chehogh94.jpg+silkanim.gif)Kato, do you like cherry and silk,
(歌詞対訳) You Don't Know Me - Elvis Presley (1967) with my shots on June 30 at Kyoto
(歌詞対訳) You Don't Know Me - Elvis Presley (1967)
Seasons - Reina del Cid with my shots on June 30 at Kyoto
Seasons - Reina del Cid
Candy Apple Red - Reina del Cid and Toni Lindgren with my shots on June 30 at Kyoto
Candy Apple Red - Reina del Cid and Toni Lindgren
Hold Me Before I'm Gone Forever - Reina del Cid with my shots on June 29 at Kyoto
Hold Me Before I'm Gone Forever - Reina del Cid
1970 - Reina del Cid with my shots on June 29 at Kyoto
1970 - Reina del Cid
Seasons - Reina del Cid with my shots on June 29 at Kyoto
Seasons - Reina del Cid