Thom YorkeとJonny Greenwood、『Peaky Blinders』の新シーズンに楽曲を提供 | LMusic-音楽ニュース-レディオヘッドのトム・ヨークとジョニー・グリーンウッドは

A Light For Attracting Attentionより
4.Pana-Vision 7.Thin Thing 8.Open The Floodgates10.A Hairdryer🌌🌌🌌

A Light For Attracting Attentionより
1.The Samelyricswe don't need to fight戦う必要はありませんlook towards the light正しく...

The Smileより
The Smile (band) | WikiwandThe Smile are an English rock band comprising the Radiohead ...

🌌The Smileより🌌
4.Pana-Vision6.Speech Bubbles8Open The Floodgates13Skrting On The Surface

The Smile 🌌Bending Hectic
2THE OPPOSITE(反対)lyricsWhat Will Now Become Of Us?[What Will Now Become Of Us?]私達のこれか

🌌The Smile🌌
4.Pana-Vision7. Thin ThingLive8.Open The Floodgates

The Smile🌌 Barcelna
Barcelonaにてphoto creditChristian BertrandBEATINK.COM / A LIGHT FOR ATTRACTING ATTENTI...

A Liight For Attracting Attentionより
Work hard, look smart 🤵Watch series 6 of Peaky Blinders, on @bbciplayer in the UK and on @

Thom Yorke gives his thoughts on Glastonbury FestivalIncisive. Far Out Magazine トム・...

Speech Bubbles
このtweetに今、気づきました。。6.Speech Bubbles7.THIN THING8.Open The Floodgates🌌🌌🌠I was