Mooi Bloem COOのHappy Flower Days!

新潟市 お店のない花屋アトリエ花屋 Atelier Mooi Bloem(アトリエ モーイ ブルーム)のブログ

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Experience Studying Abroad With Flowers at Atelier Mooi Bloem

2017-02-26 | レッスン

Experience Studying Abroad With Flowers at Atelier Mooi Bloem

【お知らせ*KEIKO先生の次回のフラワーアレンジメント&英会話】English Speakers, foreign residents, of course!! Japanese participants,welcome!! English follows the information in Japanese.


(English Speaking Foreign participants ¥3000)

時間 13:30~14:30 


We happily announce that the next 'English Speaking Flower Arrangement ' event is happening soon. We are going to make the popular arrangement "Flower Box" this time. Flower box will be good as your white day gift as well.

Date: March 11th
Place: Atrelir Mooi Bloem (7min by car from the prefectural government) In case you need more info in English, please feel free to contact 090-2996-3542 Keiko Kobayashi

Time: 13:30 ~ 14:30
Lesson Fee: ¥4000 including flower arrangement of yours.(¥3000 for English Speaking Foreign Participants)

Flower arrangement lesson in both English and Japanese. We are going to make the popular arrangement "Flower Box" Chatting in English and create your own arrangement. Your Instructor is Kumiko, who has a plenty of experience teaching flower arrangement and studied in Holland and the US. Keiko, a Japanese English teacher will assist communication between Japanese beginner learners of English and English Speakers. You can bring your arrangement back home :)

アトリエ モーイ ブルーム

Atelier Mooi Bloem facebookページ


ボトルフラワーアレンジメント2012年11月13日水曜日  詳しくはこちらをクリック→Cooのお花となかよし計画