
Mi Diario Español .....My Spanish Journal....

happy baby born!

2011-02-19 | what's up?

Feb 19, 2011  


I have some friends in Matsumoto, Nagano, where I used to live. Our friendship is still going on that we have a get-together once a month.  Congratulations, one of them has had a baby recently!! The rest of us went to her place to congratulate and meet the newly born baby today!


It is a boy and her second baby. He is sooo... cute that I could eat his cheeks! They looked and felt just like marshmallows!  He has a one-year elder brother and they looked so alike! You can tell in one look that they are brothers!  Oh, that bushy eyebrows! 


The friend, mother of the two, said she got stressed from parenting. Tell me about it, she has barely gone out since she gave a birth.  Chitchatting with us seemed to comfort her really.  I am happy to know that!


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