
Mi Diario Español .....My Spanish Journal....

car accident...

2005-07-22 | what's up?
Jul 21, 2005

I am so convinced that I was born with a bunch of bad lucks in both fists...

I got my drivers license when I was 18. Since then, I have had car accidents twice. One time, I was driving straight. There was a car beside the street waiting for the chance to come out. The driver saw off first two cars ahead of me. I followed the cars and was passing her by. Suddenly, she came in front of me!!! It was too sudden to stop. I crashed into her right front side... Why did she come in front of ME? Not the first two car but ME??
The other time, I was driving a national road. It was heavily raining that I was hardly able to see in front. Suddenly my car light flashed a round object in the middle of the road. I couldn't swerve and I ran into it. I was a rock slid off the bank beside the road because of the hard rain... Why me?! It was rush hour and hundreds of cars come and go. WHY, WHY ME?

And today, I encountered the third bad luck.

A girl hit the substitute car that I was borrowing from the car dealer...
It was around 17:30, I went to this drug store near Yoshi's office to wait for him finishing work. When I got into the parking lot, this girl drove in ahead of me. There were many parking spaces, some were located along the wall, the others were in the middle of the lot. She went in the space by the wall and I parked in the middle, diagonally back of her. I immediately got out and started to grope my bag in the rear seat. It was not until I put my head up that the back of girl's car hit the front of mine!! I have no idea what she was trying to do, but she once again backed out of the space, apparently without watching backwards. I had no time to say "watch out!"
I saw Wakaba-mark, a symbol for a newly licensed driver. "Oh, yeah..." And a huge bent across the side of her car also caught my eyes. " Ah, this is not the first time..."

The damage didn't look serious, ... besides it was not my car (heh, heh), I let her go after getting her number and address. The bumper got scratched a bit. No big deal. ... But the left headlight. It was half cracked. It needs to be replaced.
Yoshi and I went to the car dealer because it happened right before we gave the car back and got a new one. The guy from the dealer estimated that the damage will cost ?20,000-. I called the girl to ask for it. She said, "I cannot deal with it. Can I talk to my parents first? They are at work. Can I call you back later?" Oh, gosh. She is under 20...

At night, I called the girl again if she talked to her parents. She put her mother at the phone. She was so sorry for what her daughter did and promised to pay the damage. Thank goodness...

What do you think? Shouldn't I drive anymore?







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You're in luck! (Minatsuki)
2005-07-23 11:46:32
You're really in luck! Just imagine what if you were driving the new car when you had the accident. I was worried reading the beginning of this posting that you'd got in something trouble with your brand-new car!! Phew!!

Minatsuki-san (sassia)
2005-07-25 07:54:25
Thank you ... and you are so right!

It it were the new car that I got hit, I would have the girl's mother buy another new one!!

My aunt once said that I was lucky not to get any injury out of those car accidents. What if the car came out a little faster in the first accident? What if the rock were a little bigger in the second? I did't get hurt at the times. And nor did I this time.

It is good to be healthy and normal in the end, whatever happens.


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