
Mi Diario Español .....My Spanish Journal....


2005-03-01 | cooking & baking
Feb.28, 2005

It was the end of February.

What I was doing in this whole afternoon was searching for a mixing machine sold good deal. I went on and other Websites looking for a brand new Kitchenaid stand mixer.

I want the one comes with a 6-quart bowl or the one with a 5-quart bowl. The biggest two of all types.
Why big? In case I open a bakery or pastry shop! Heh, heh!

I found that e-bay appears to be the cheapest.
Since the mixing machine companies are based in the states, (U.S.) carries cheaper ones but... Unfortunately, most of the sellers don't ship oversea when it comes to brand new items to hunt.
I wanted the cheapest but gave up. I went on (Canada), where the sellers who ship to Canada are registered. Hmm... The price range for 6-quart is C$350 - 400, that for 5-quart is around C$230. Both before tax and shipping charge.
Hmmm, I am so confused.
I am looking for cheap enough yet good quality.
Should I go for Canadian wholesale store ? Or e-bay??? It is hard to make a decition.

....I am a geek, aren't I?


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