水溶性塗布材料で薄膜塗布する際、どこのスプレーを用いてもすぐに吐出不良がおきて、吐出不安定になることが一般的です。しかし、シマダアプリ(Shimada Appli)が開発しましたスプレーバルブは、そのようなノズルつまり、吐出不安定等なく安定して高い塗着効率を有して成膜塗布することができます。(詰まりにくい塗布機器と方法技術は特許取得)
Shimada Appli合同会社
URL: http://shimadaappli.com/
The spray valve of Shimada Appli is capable of stable spray film formation without clogging of water-based emulsions with unstable discharge.
When coating a thin film with a waterborne type #water # coating material, it is common for ejection defects to occur immediately regardless of which spray is used, resulting in unstable ejection. However, the spray valve developed by Shimada Appli is capable of stable and high coating efficiency without such nozzles, that is, discharge instability. (Patented for coating equipment and method technology that is hard to clog)
Please contact us if you are looking for a stable spray film formation for water-based materials.
Shimada Appli GK
3-7-15-101 Maekawa, Kawaguchi City, 333-0842
URL: http://shimadaappli.com/