Shimada Appliは、2021年5月26日(水)から5月28日(金)の3日間にわたり、東京ビッグサイト青海展示棟で「JPCA Show 2021」と同時開催しますエレクトロニクス実装学会主催「2021 マイクロエレクトロニクスショー」の特別イベントeX-tech 2021(エクステック2021)に出展を致します。
Announcement of a spray coater capable of high-speed film formation with high coating efficiency!
1. 1. With a coating efficiency of 85% or more, a 600 □ mm size with a multi-valve can be applied on the frame within 30 seconds.
It is possible to instantly switch from a thick film to a thin film coating area with printing ink.
2. High-speed film formation is possible even for large-sized materials such as materials containing high fillers. The uneven surface can also be averaged. (10-50 μm DRY)
3. 3. In-line specifications for a wide variety of products are also available.