最新コーティング方案を発信するShimada Appli(シマダアプリ)→High T.E. spray


Select Spray Coating ---FSCC06 Selective Spray Coater---

2024-10-31 | Coating (Functional Coating)

Selective spray coating that creates high added value The FSCC06 selective spray coater's features include selective coating of coating materials with a viscosity of up to 1000CPS.

High-speed coating of thin lines of around 1mm is possible.

Good coating stability and high atomization performance even in a viscosity range of ±20%.

An optimal coating method for coating uneven surfaces.

Drying time is reduced by more than 50%.

The main application range of the FSCC06 selective spray coater is various thin film coatings on optical coating objects.

Film formation of functional materials for semiconductors, MEMS, and WLP.

Maskless painting of automotive parts (lower part, interior).

Thin film coating of materials containing conductive filler.

Partial painting of siding board end faces.

Conformal coating of PCBs (solvent-free, fluorine-based, etc.).

Thin film partial coating of various battery-related materials.

Formation of functional films on nonwoven fabrics (water-based emulsions that tend to clog).

-Thin film coating for cell culture in regenerative medicine.


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Select spray can be performed firmly even on uneven surfaces with sharp protrusions.

2020-10-28 | Coating (Functional Coating)

As a result of spray-coating the bottom surface with a dry film thickness of 30 microns, the coating of sharp corners is 5 microns.

FSCC06 Selective Spray Coater coats the acute-angled top point of flower holder (kenzan).
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Application example of FSCC06 selective coater

2019-04-28 | Coating (Functional Coating)

The outline of FSCC06 Selective Spray Coater

Selectable coating  used by low and middle viscosty material.      

     Water-based material , Solvent-less material


      Solvent type material (10-1000CPS)

 It's possible to reduce dryness speed substantially.      

   The touch drying time: Shortening of less than 50%

       Consumption of the solvent:Reduction of more than 60% 

   Film thickness of the sharp edge part:  Improvement of

        more than 200%  

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The basis of FSCC06 spray coater

2019-04-17 | Coating (Functional Coating)

FSCC06 has special parts are caused tornado air to get fine atomization and no splashing. This was borne by the following example. There are plaster’s bolls are made from this pan. If plaster worker threw a mere straight ball to a wall, we can see some splashes around a mark of ball. The next mark of ball was caused by screwball. This is just basis of FSCC06 spray coater.

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Advantage by best atomization of FSCC06 Selective Spray Coater (Mask less System)

2019-04-15 | Coating (Functional Coating)
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マイクロエレクトロニクスショー2019eX-techが東京ビックサイトで開催(Microelectronics Show 2019 eX-tech)

2019-03-20 | Coating (Functional Coating)

6月5日(水)から7日(金)の3日間、東京ビックサイト西館1-4ホールにてJPCAショーと同時開催致しますマイクロエレクトロニクスショー2019eX-techにShimada Appli合同会社は、各種スプレイシステムの中で高塗着効率の薄膜スプレイ塗布が出来る新スプレイ塗布工法を御紹介致します。

The Microelectronics Show 2019eX-tech will be held at Tokyo Big Sight West Hall 1-4 Hall for three days from June 5 (Wed) to 7 (Fri). Shimada Appli G.K. will introduce a new spray coating method that enables thin film spray coating system with high transfer efficiency amang various spray systems. We will introduce specific examples that can be coated to thin film coating of solvent-based insulating materials, adhesives, etc., new coating methods, and new technologies, so please make a visit.

6月5日(周三)至7日(周五)微电子展2019 eX-tech Shimada Appli GK,各种喷雾系统共同举办JPCA展会,在东京Big Sight西厅1-4厅举行为期3天 我们将介绍一种新的喷涂方法,使薄膜喷涂具有高沉积效率。

6 월 5 일 (수)부터 7 일 (금) 3 일간 도쿄 빅 사이트 서관 1-4 홀에서 JPCA 쇼와 동시 개최하겠습니다 마이크로 일렉트로닉스 쇼 2019eX-tech에 Shimada Appli 합동 회사는 각종 스프레이 시스템 에서 높은 도착 효율의 박막 스프레이 도포가 가능한 새로운 스프레이 도포 공법을 소개해드립니다.
그들 중 하나를 이용하여 용제 계 절연 제, 접착제 등의 박막 코팅에 응용 전개가 가능해진다 구체적 사례 등을 중심으로 새로운 도포 공법 신기술도 함께 소개하므로, 꼭 입장 바랍니다.


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Explaining the latest know-how such as spray atomization method, thin film formation method, etc.

2018-02-26 | Coating (Functional Coating)

This document describes the most advanced spraying method with respect to the spray technique using liquid material for spraying 10 μm or less film formation and calling it thin film coating.

This includes several special applications and case histories.





이 문서는 액체 재료를 사용하여 10μm 이하의 필름 형성을 스프레이하고이를 박막 코팅이라고 부르는 스프레이 기법과 관련하여 가장 진보 된 스프레이 방법을 설명합니다.

여기에는 몇 가지 특수한 응용 프로그램과 사례 기록이 포함됩니다.

⇒ https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6362466266703335424

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The new spray coating for thin film formation.

2018-02-19 | Coating (Functional Coating)

This document describes the most advanced spraying method with respect to the spray technique using liquid material for spraying 10 μm or less film formation and calling it thin film coating.

This includes several special applications and case histories.

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2018-02-03 | Coating (Functional Coating)



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2018-01-26 | Coating (Functional Coating)

1500センチポイズ粘度以下の塗布液を、1mm幅以上の細線を精密スプレー可能なFSCC06 セレクトスプレー(特許取得済)

本スプレーバルブは、防湿絶縁材塗布(コンフォーマルコーティング)のセレクト塗布として開発されたもので(特許取得済)、防湿剤塗布だけでなく、塗料、接着剤の細線スプレーや、半導体、MEMS,Battery,Phosphor 等の機能性液体材料の線引き塗布や、医薬、食品向け用の薬液、食用材料塗布等のCoating Applicationにも展開が可能にしたスペック等もご用意しております。


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