この発言は、世界中でかなりの騒ぎを引き起こしました。 彼はRussiaと中国に同じことを言ったが、彼らは単に彼を無視した。 グローバル周りのIndiaの人々は、すべての怒っています。 Indiaは、多くの人が想像もできないことを、本当に、不潔不潔ようであるかもしれないので!
Trumpは、他人の気持ちに関係なく、率直に話すことで有名です。 彼はアフリカ諸国を説明するために「たわごとの穴」を使用し、その時かなりの抗議を得ました。
1. India人口
2. India電車
3. Indiaトイレ
うんこの穴 (Shitholes):
路上で糞便地雷 (Poop mines on the streets)
男女が並んで共用トイレの空きを待つ ! (Men and women line up together waiting for a vacant in a shared toilet !)
4. COVID-19パンデミックの間、社会的なロックダウン命令を実行する際のIndia警察残虐行為
5. India 汚濁と汚れ
6. 世界中の女性にとって一番危険な国です。
Trump said India is filthy, but how filthy?
Trump said that India is filthy duirng his election debate ,while he urgently needs the votes of American Indians. He probably ruined his past effort to win them over.
This remark caused some hubbub around the world. Although he said of the same thing to Russia and China, the two simply ignored him. It seems that Indians are the most diffident and got hurt the most. Maybe because India is indeed very filthy, to a degree that many would not be able to imagine!
Trump is famous for speaking with no regard to others' feelings. He has used "shithole" to describe Africa countries, and got quite some protest and detest.
India's GDP per capita is only 2172$, ranking at 144th in the world, behind many Africa countries, such as: Angola , Honduras, Congo, Nigeria.
India's population, currently at 1.4 billion, is already on par with or may have suppassed China's population. It's hard for so many people to be crammed into the land of India.
The problem is that It is still growing at a rate of about 100 million people per 10 years. This will be a dilemma. On the one hand, India needs faster economic growth to feed these people and provide a better life for them; on the other hand, if India really succeeded in achieving rapid growth, it will put enormous pressure on the global environment.
I have some photos of India to share with you, be prepaired to be shocked
1. India population.
2. India trains3. India police brutality in executing social distancng order during the covid-19 pandemic
4. India toilet
5. India pollution and filthyness
6. Top most dangerous country for women in the world.