
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ 北朝鮮:サッカーWPと人権侵害

When the Japanese football team came back home in June after advancing to the top 16 at the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa, thousands of people warmly welcomed Japan Coach Takeshi Okada and his Blue Samurai team at Kansai International Airport.  Their advancement exceeded most people’s expectation. In fact, people anticipated the worst case scenario – being knocked out at the group stages for three straight losses.


For the North Korean team, the worst case scenario came true. When the team went back home in June after losing all the three matches, observers wondered out loud if they would face punishment. For a few weeks, nobody heard anything. But then, Radio Free Asia broke news that has been republished around the world since.

北朝鮮チームにはその最悪のシナリオが現実になってしまった。チームが3戦全敗して6月に帰国した時、識者は「チームは罰せられるのでは?」という懸念をはっきりと声に出していた。数週間は何も聞こえてこなかったが、その後、ラジオ自由アジア(Radio Free Asia)の報道したニュースが、世界中を駆け巡った。

It quoted three independent sources saying that the North Korean football team had gone through a humiliating six-hour session of public criticism on July 2 at the Pyongyang People’s Cultural Palace. The sports minister, Pak Myong Chol, and a TV commentator, Ri Dong Kyu, who is also a professor with the Sports Science Institute, led the session, the report said, and 400 other athletes affiliated with other sports associations and government agencies took part.

7月2日ピョンヤン文化パレスで北朝鮮サッカーチームが、6時間にわたって国民から批判され、さらし者にされたと3名のそれぞれ独自の消息筋が語った、という報道である。スポーツ相パク・ミョン・チョル(Pak Myong Chol)とテレビ・コメンテーター兼スポーツ科学学会所属の教授でもあるリ・ドン・キュウ(Ri Dong Kyu)がその集会を取り仕切り、他のスポーツ団体に所属する選手400名が参加していた、と伝えられている。

While the players and coach reportedly stood in front of the audience, Ri was joined by Sports Ministry representatives in criticizing the weaknesses of each player. Next, some other participants followed suit. Toward the end of the meeting, it was the turn of the coach, Kim Jong Hun, and then each of his players was compelled to criticize him. No reports of further harsh or sustained punishments have yet surfaced. Human Rights Watch has not been able to independently confirm or dispute the report.

選手と監督が聴衆の前に立っている間、リはスポーツ省の代表と一緒になって選手それぞれの弱さを批判し、他の参加者も批判を続けたと伝えられている。集会の終りの方になると、批判はキム・ジョンハン(Kim Jong Hun)監督に向かい、各選手は彼を批判させられた。それ以上に厳しい持続的な処罰があったとは、今のところ表ざたになっていないが、ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチはその報道を独自に確認若しくは反論できないでいる。

But there are reasons to be concerned given how the national team fared after the 1966 World Cup failure. That team advanced to the quarter-finals by defeating Italy, then the strongest contender, but lost to Portugal 5-3. The players were greeted initially as national heroes, but their stardom was short-lived. North Korean refugees have described how the team and its coach were subjected to an ideological criticism session similar to the 2010 session. But escapees also said members of the 1966 team were relocated to remote locations in the countryside and forced to live and toil under harsh conditions.


The North Korean government has never acknowledged, much less explained, why the 1966 team was punished. Based on testimony from North Koreans and The Game of Their Lives, a 2002 BBC documentary film shot with North Korean government permission, some of the players were apparently reinstated and permitted to work as players and coaches. The documentary says all the players interviewed denied that any of their team members were punished. But the fate of some of them is unknown because they simply dropped from the public eye and have not been seen again.


The humiliating and bizarre criticism sessions, and the rumors of imprisonment for the 1966 team, are a reflection of the public fear generated by North Korea’s abusive system. In fact, North Korean officials are often severely punished for mistakes. Poor performance by public servants in North Korea can mean not just being sacked---but being executed. South Korean media reported earlier this year that North Korea executed Pak Nam Ki, a former finance minister, after blaming him for a monetary revaluation scheme last November that led to food shortages and runaway inflation.

つるしあげと異常な批判集会、そして1966年のチームが投獄されたというウワサは、北朝鮮が生みだしている一般市民の恐怖を反映している。実際、北朝鮮の当局者はその過ち犯したとしてしばしば厳しく処罰されている。公務員のお粗末な仕事ぶりは首になるということではなく、処刑されるという事実があるのを指している可能性がある。今年初め韓国メディアは、「北朝鮮が、食糧不足と超インフレをもたらした昨年11月の通貨切り上げを非難した後、元財務大臣パク・ナム・キ(Pak Nam Ki)を処刑した。」と報道している。

North Korean authorities periodically execute people in markets and stadiums, and even riverbanks, for non-violent offenses such as “illegal” border crossing.  Local authorities require the family of the condemned, including young children, to stand in the front row of spectators. The government runs massive forced labor camps not only for those accused of “political crimes” but also for their parents, spouses and children. Children born inside these camps live as prisoners and can spend entire childhoods in forced labor.


Defeated athletes in other countries may suffer criticism and career consequences, but that is quite different from government-orchestrated condemnation in a system with an unparalleled record of abuse.


Separation of sports and politics has a nice ring to it, but it’s not the reality in North Korea. Given that reality, Mohamed Bin Hammam, the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) president, should have raised the issue directly with North Korean officials when he travelled to North Korea for two days of meetings in late July. He told journalists later that he had spoken with four North Korean players, but that they had not reported mistreatment.

「スポーツと政治の分離」という言葉にはすてきな響きがあるが、それは北朝鮮の現実ではない。その現実を捉えて、アジアサッカー連盟会長(Asian Football Confederation:AFC)のモハメド・ビン・ハマム(Mohamed Bin Hammam)は7月末2日間の会談に北朝鮮を訪問した際、北朝鮮当局者へ直接その問題を提起するべきだった。彼はその後ジャーナリストに「北朝鮮の選手4名と話をしたが、虐待を受けたとは言っていなかった。」と語っている。

Apparently, the alleged criticism session alarmed the governing body for global football, International Federation of Association Football, known as FIFA, enough to open an inquiry. FIFA president Sepp Blatter said that FIFA had sent a letter to the North Korean football federation Tuesday, seeking information about the allegations of mistreatment.  FIFA's mission statement says that "Football is no longer considered merely a global sport, but also as unifying force whose virtues can make an important contribution to society," and that as "guardian of this most cherished game, we have a great responsibility."

批判集会疑惑は、FIFAとして知られ世界のサッカーを取り仕切る機関である国際サッカー連盟にとって、事実調査を行なわせるほどの驚きだったようだ。FIFA会長セップ・ブラッター(Sepp Blatter) は「FIFAは火曜日、北朝鮮サッカー協会に書簡を送付し、虐待疑惑についての情報を求めた。」と語っている。FIFAの綱領は、“サッカーは最早単なる世界的なスポーツではなく、その長所が社会に重要な貢献をなす求心力として認識されている”、加えて“この最も愛されているゲームの守護者として、私たちは大きな責任を負っている。”と述べている。

Asking North Korea to explain what happened to its football players is one step in the right direction. But you can go only so far by asking a cat to be nice to a canary. For FIFA to live up to the great responsibility it proclaims, it should launch an independent investigation into the allegations of abuse against North Korean athletes from both 1966 and 2010 teams and ensure that they do not suffer more abuse in the future.


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