(Beirut, December 22, 2022) – Iranian security forces using unlawful lethal force, killed and wounded several dozen protesters in Zahedan on September 30, 2022, killing the most people during the protests on a day being called “Bloody Friday,” Human Rights Watch said today. The newly established United Nations fact-finding mission on Iran should pay special attention to security force atrocities in minority-dominant areas like Zahedan, the predominantly Baluchi capital of Sistan and Baluchistan province.
(ベイルート、2022年12月22日) イランの治安部隊がザヘダン市内で2022年9月30日(金曜日)、致死力を伴う違法な武力を行使して抗議者数十人を殺傷、「血の金曜日」と呼ばれている日に抗議への弾圧で最も多くの人を殺害した、と本日ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ(以下HRW)は述べた。新たに設立された「イランに関する国連真相究明ミッション」は、バルーチ人が多数派を占めるイラン南東部シスタン・バルチスタン州の州都ザヘダンのような少数派が多数を占める地域での治安部隊による残虐行為に、特別な注意を払うべきだ。
Human Rights Watch documented the shooting of protesters and bystanders by verifying 52 videos and photographs shared by Haalvsh, an Iranian human rights group, carrying out open-source research, and interviewing 13 witnesses and families of those killed on September 30 and in October. Through analyzing photos and videos, Human Rights Watch found that at least 12 people, including a boy, were killed and 30 were wounded in Zahedan on September 30, though the actual numbers may be much higher. Since September 30, security forces have killed at least eight people, knowledgeable sources identified victims in their interviews with Human Rights Watch. Among these were at least three children shot dead in protests on September 30 and October 28.
“The number of protesters and bystanders shot by Iran’s security forces on ‘Bloody Friday’ was the largest killed in a single day during the protests, but no one responsible has been arrested,” said Tara Sepehri Far, senior Iran researcher at Human Rights Watch. “The government’s immense brutality has brought the struggles of long-neglected communities like Zahedan to the center of protests.”
The available information shows that on September 30, police and intelligence agents opened fire on protesters from the rooftops around the Grand Mosalla prayer hall and the Maki Mosque, the main Sunni mosque in Zahedan. Security forces shot at a car transporting those injured to the hospital. For the most part the protesters did not pose a serious threat to the well-armed security forces.
“As I came out [of the prayer hall] to look for my brother, I saw bodies on the ground, mostly young people,” a witness told Human Rights Watch. “At first, I didn’t even realize the police were shooting but then I noticed that they were firing from the buildings.”
Baluchi human rights groups have collected the names of 85 to 97 people, including nine children, who were killed between September 30 and October 5 in Zahedan. Rather than conducting a transparent and impartial investigation and holding those responsible for these killings accountable, Iranian authorities responded to subsequent protests with further unlawful force.
On September 30, people were leaving the prayer area in the Grand Mosalla prayer hall in Zahedan around noon, when security forces shot teargas and bullets toward a group of dozens of young protesters marching toward Police Station Number 16, less than 100 meters northeast. According to witnesses and video evidence, security force personnel positioned on the surrounding tall buildings fired at protesters who began throwing stones and shouting protest slogans, killing and wounding several protesters and bystanders.
As the day progressed, residents, some of whom threw rocks and Molotov cocktails (gasoline bombs), clashed with police and other security forces. Witnesses said that the security forces shot dozens more people, including children, in areas close to the nearby Maki Mosque, where many local residents took the dead and injured throughout the afternoon and evening. Protests continued for several days.
Ismael Shahbakhsh, the uncle of Farzad Shahbakhsh, 27, looked for him at the Khatam Hospital on September 30, he said in a prerecorded interview shared with Human Rights Watch.
“When I entered the emergency room, I saw a distressing scene that is impossible to describe,” he said. “The white ceramic tiles of the floor had turned red. … I looked through three pages of 10 to 15 names of those injured and Farzad’s name was not there. ... Afterward a nurse came to me with five or six pages, each with 18 to 20 names on it, and told me Farzad was among those who died.”
Immediately after the September 30 incidents, Tasnim News, a media outlet close to Iran’s intelligence agencies, stated that an armed opposition group, Jaysh al-Adl, claimed responsibility for “terror attacks” in Zahedan. The news outlet claimed that armed rebels attacked three police stations and fired at Police Station Number 16, a claim that the armed group rejected.
*公安調査庁によると、「ジャイシュ・アル・アドル」は、2012年中頃から同年末にかけて、「ジュンダラ」の元メンバー等が、アブドッラヒム・モッラーザーデを指導者として結成したバルーチ人武装組織である。イラン政府の打倒、同国内のスンニ派の権利擁護等を掲げる一方、バルーチ人による分離主義とは無関係との姿勢を示している。主に同国南東部・シスタン・バルチスタン州で活動しており、勢力は最大数百人とされる。 2013年頃から、国境警備隊に対し襲撃や誘拐を繰り返しているが、2019年2月には、同州ザヘダン近郊でイスラム革命防衛隊(IRGC)隊員が乗車したバスに対する自爆テロ(隊員27人が死亡)を実行し、犯行声明を発出した。2020年には、3月にシスタン・バルチスタン州でIRGCに対する爆弾テロを自認した。米国国務長官は、2019年7月、「ジャイシュ・アル・アドル」を「ジュンダラ」の別称として外国テロ組織(FTO)に指定した。
Mowlana Abdol Hamid Ismaeelzahi, the most prominent Friday prayer imam in Zahedan, issued a video statement rejecting pro-government websites’ claims about the incident.
“It’s the police station that first starts shooting, shooting indiscriminately and shooting military ammunition, not only toward the place where those youngsters were chanting and expressing their feelings, but also even toward inside the Grand Mosalla, where people were praying,” he said. “They shoot there and throw teargas inside, even the women’s section gets gassed and is shot at, and one of the women is killed, is martyred, as well.”
The Human Rights Watch analysis of September 30 videos and photographs found that protesters frequently threw rocks at police stations and in two instances threw Molotov cocktails. Protesters were not visibly carrying firearms or shooting at security forces. In one incident at about 5 p.m. near the Maki Mosque, a protester reportedly fired upon two cars whose passengers were shooting at protesters and killed four Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) members.
Since September 30, protests against the government have continued in Zahedan and other cities in the province, particularly on Fridays after prayer.
On October 28, the Security Council of Sistan and Baluchistan province, headed by the governor, issued a statement saying the clashes had resulted in the deaths of six security force members and 35 other people. The council said that “negligence” had resulted in the death of people praying and dismissed the head of Police Station Number 16 and the head of police in Zahedan, but made no mention of any further investigation into the unlawful use of force against protesters.
On the same day, during the protests that took place after Friday prayer, two sources familiar with the victims said that security forces shot and killed at least two children, Adel Barichi Koochakzayi, 13, and Omid Narouyi, 16. Sources said that both were shot in the neck and face.
Since the beginning of widespread protests in Iran on September 16, Human Rights Watch has documented security forces’ use of excessive and lethal force in violation of international human rights law. They have fired handguns, shotguns, and military assault rifles against protesters during largely peaceful and often crowded demonstrations in at least 13 cities across the country. As of December 9, Human Rights Activist News Agency (HRANA) had confirmed the death of 255 people during the protests and was investigating 226 more. More than 200 reports of deaths are from minority-dominant Kurdish and Baluchi provinces.
The Iranian government should abide by the United Nations Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials, which state that security forces shall apply non-violent means before resorting to the use of force. Whenever the lawful use of force is unavoidable, law enforcement officials should exercise restraint and act in proportion to the seriousness of the offense and the legitimate objective to be achieved. They should minimize injury, and respect human life. Furthermore, intentional lethal use of firearms may only be made when strictly unavoidable to protect life. The Basic Principles further provide that, “[i]n cases of death and serious injury or other grave consequences, a detailed report shall be sent promptly to the competent authorities.”
Authorities have arrested thousands of protesters and hundreds of human rights defenders. Courts have imposed often harsh sentences in trials that fall short of international standards. On November 2, Ali Mostafavinia, the head of the Sistan and Baluchistan judiciary told the media that 620 people were arrested during the protests in Zahedan and 45 indictments have been issued in connection with the protests.
“The Iranian government’s atrocious record of violations of detainee rights underscores the urgency of pressing for the immediate release of protesters wrongfully detained and halting grossly unfair trials,” Sepehri Far said.