(Bangkok May 27, 2015) – Governments gathering in Bangkok on May 29, 2015, to discuss the Southeast Asia boat people crisis should reach binding agreements to save people at sea, permit them to disembark without conditions, and ensure unimpeded access for United Nations agencies to protect the rights of asylum seekers, Human Rights Watch said today.
The governments should also demand that Burma and Bangladesh take specific steps to end human rights abuses against the Rohingya that are causing them to flee on dangerous boats to escape persecution.
The Special Meeting on Irregular Migration in the Indian Ocean will include representatives from 17 countries, including Afghanistan, Australia, Bangladesh, Burma, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Lao PDR, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, and Thailand, with observers from the United States and Switzerland, and senior officials from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).
“Regional governments should work with the United Nations and others to agree on binding solutions to this human tragedy – not sweep it under the rug as they have done for years,” said Brad Adams, Asia director. “The ending of human rights abuses in the source countries of Burma and Bangladesh needs to be matched by Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia, with support from other countries, taking humanitarian action to receive and protect refugees fleeing persecution.”
Over the past 15 months, international agencies estimate that as many as 88,000 men, women, and children have traveled from Bangladesh and Burma in boats to Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Many of these are Rohingya Muslims fleeing persecution in Burma, although a significant number are also Bangladeshi nationals. Most have traveled in boats to Thailand, where they are then transported overland into jungle camps in Thailand and Malaysia. The camps are used as holding facilities in which victims are detained, extorted, and abused, with mass graves found in recent weeks on both sides of the border of Thailand and Malaysia.
Human Rights Watch urges participating governments in the special meeting to prioritize the following issues:
- Emphasize urgent need for search and rescue – now and in the future. The participating governments should accept international offers to provide search and rescue support and seek ways to better coordinate search and rescue efforts, share intelligence, and pool resources. Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia should agree to take proactive efforts to mobilize their marine search and rescue operations to seek out the remaining boats possibly still at sea;
- 現在と将来において、捜索・救助の緊急必要性を強調すること。参加国政府は、捜索・救助に向けた支援提供の国際的申出を受入れると共に、より良い捜索・救助活動の調整、情報共有、人的物的資源の共同提供に向けた手法を模索すべきだ。タイ、マレーシア、インドネシアは、海上要員を動員して、今も海上に留まっている可能性のあるボートの捜索・救出活動を積極的に行うことに同意すべきだ。
- Ensure unimpeded and unconditional access by UNHCR and IOM to rescued boat people – now and in the future. Transparent, impartial, and professional assessments of individuals who arrive on land or are rescued at sea are needed to determine who is entitled to refugee protection, who should receive services as a trafficking victim, and how appropriate services should be delivered. UNHCR should be permitted to exercise its mandate in Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia – none of which are parties to the 1951 Refugee Convention – to screen boat arrivals for refugee status and other protection needs. These governments should abide by UNHCR refugee status determinations and scrupulously ensure that refugees and asylum seekers are not forcibly returned to persecution or other serious harm and that no one is prevented from fleeing threats to their life or freedom. This is especially important in the case of Burma, where Rohingya have been targets of persecution for decades, and whose denial of citizenship rights makes any return impossible as long as Burma denies their national identity;
- 現在と将来においてUNHCRとIOMが、救助されたボートピープルに、制約なく無条件にアクセスするのを保証すること。陸路辿り着いた或は海上で救助された個人への透明性・公平性・専門性を確保した審査が、誰に難民としての保護を受ける権利があるのか、密入国業の被害者として誰がサービスを受けるべきなのか、適切なサービスは如何に提供されるべきなのかを判断するのに必要とされる。タイ、マレーシア、インドネシアはいずれも1951年に成立した難民条約の加盟国ではないが、UNHCRはその3国で、ボートに乗って到着した人々の難民認定や必要としているその他の保護について精査する、職務の遂行を認められるべきだ。更に3国の政府は、UNHCRが下した難民認定に関する判定に従うと共に、難民と亡命希望者が迫害他の重大な危害を受ける危険のある国に強制送還されないよう、更に何人も自らの生命と自由が脅威に晒される国から脱出することを妨げられないよう、完全保証しなければならない。それはビルマについてとりわけ重要だ。ビルマでは、ロヒンギャ族は数十年にわたり迫害の標的とされてきており、更に彼らに市民権を認めていない。ビルマが民族の同一性を否定しない限り、ロヒンギャ族は誰も帰れないのである。
- Demand that Thailand permit disembarkation of boat people, and ensure that Malaysia, Indonesia, and other countries make long-term commitments to allow disembarkation. While Malaysia and Indonesia recently agreed to allow boat people to land on their soil, the Thai government has thus far refused to allow boat people to land on Thai soil. The Thai government should commit to allow boat people to disembark in safety and dignity and grant access to UNHCR to assess their protection needs. The special meeting should reject any variation of so-called help along policies that result in stranding boat people in deadly conditions or shifting responsibilities to other countries;
- ボートピープルの上陸を許可するようタイに要求するとともに、マレーシアとインドネシア他の国が上陸を長期的に認めるよう保証すること。マレーシアとインドネシアは最近になって領土内へのボートピープルによる上陸を認めたが、タイはこれまでのところそれを認めていない。タイ政府はボートピープルが安全に品位を保って上陸できるよう、更にUNHCRに彼らの保護を必要としている人々へのアクセスを認めるよう、約束しなければならない。極めて危険な状況にボートピープルを立ち往生させる、或は他国に責任を転嫁する結果を招いている、通称「支援政策」の改変版を、特別会議は拒否しなければならない。
- Exert pressure on Burma as the main source of the problem. Call on Burmese officials to immediately end the repressive measures and denial of basic rights that have driven Rohingya to flee their native Arakan (Rakhine) state over many years. The meeting should exert pressure on Burma to admit that Rohingya should be considered citizens of Burma whose rights should be respected, and end all discriminatory policies against them. The national government’s denial of the status of the Rohingya only makes solutions harder to formulate. For instance, Zaw Htay, the spokesperson of President Thein Sein’s office, stated last week that “we will not accept the allegations made by some [governments] that Myanmar (Burma) is the source of the problem.” Burma should amend the 1982 Citizenship Act and do away with discriminatory restrictions on the right to movement, livelihoods, right to own property, right to marriage and have children, and other basic rights that all persons of Burma should enjoy; and
- 問題の主な原因であるビルマに圧力を掛けると共に、故郷であるアラカン(ラカイン)州からロヒンギャ族が長年にわたり脱出する原因となってきた、弾圧と基本的人権の否定を直ちに止めるよう、ビルマ政府高官に求めること。特別会議はビルマに対して、ロヒンギャ族は人権を尊重されるビルマ市民であるという事実を認め、彼らへのあらゆる差別政策を止めるよう、圧力を掛けなければならない。ビルマ政府のロヒンギャ族を国民として認めない姿勢は、問題の解決案策定を困難にしているだけだ。テイン・セイン・ビルマ大統領府のスポークスマンであるゾー・ハティは先週、「我が国は、ミャンマー(ビルマ)は問題の原因であるという、一部[の政府]がする主張を受け入れるつもりはない」、と述べた。ビルマは1982年成立の国籍法を改正し、ビルマの全国民が享受すべきである、移動や生計への権利、財産を所有する権利、婚姻し子どもを持つ権利その他基本的な権利に対する、差別的な制約を撤廃しなければならない。
- Exert pressure on Bangladesh to stop its pushback policy and end its persecution of Rohingya. The Bangladesh government should cease its own publicly acknowledged policy of engaging in pushbacks of Rohingya to Arakan state and recognize them as refugees deserving protection and support services. Dhaka should also agree to accept international offers of assistance, previously rejected, to provide basic health, education, and other services for Rohingya and its own citizens residing in the same border region with Burma so no one will feel compelled to get on boats.
- バングラデシュにロヒンギャ族への迫害と追返し政策を止めるよう圧力を掛けること。バングラデシュ政府は、アラカン州にロヒンギャ族を追返す政策を取っていることを公式に認めているが、それを止めると共にロヒンギャ族を、保護と支援サービスを必要とする難民として認めなければならない。バングラデシュ政府は誰もがボートに乗って脱出せざるを得ないと感じることのないよう、ロヒンギャ族とビルマとの同じ国境地帯に住むバングラデシュ市民に向け、基本的な保健・医療・教育その他のサービスを提供しようという、従前断っていた国際社会からのオファー受入れに合意すべきである。
“This regional meeting will only be a success if every government commits to effective search and rescue operations, meeting the protection needs of refugees, prosecuting traffickers, and resolving the root causes that drive these desperate people onto boats,” Adams said. “International burden sharing, including resettling refugees, is also important, but will only be a lasting solution if all governments agree that human rights must be at the center of all current and future policies.”