
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ マレーシア:新首相は諸権利への公約を守るべき



(New York, April 27, 2009) – Malaysia’s new prime minister should take immediate steps to distinguish himself from previous governments and implement a human rights agenda, Human Rights Watch said in a letter today. The letter to Prime Minister Najib Razak makes specific recommendations for reform on four issues: arbitrary and preventive detention; freedom of expression; impunity of security forces; and protection of migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers.

(ニューヨーク、2009年4月27日)-マレーシアの新首相は従前の政府と自分自身を区別するよう、人権政策を実行するよう、直ちに手段を講ずるべきである、とヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは本日送付した書簡で述べた。ナジブ・ラザク(Najib Razak)首相に宛てた書簡は4課題に関する改革を求める具体的な勧告を行っている。:恣意的拘禁と予防拘禁の問題;表現の自由の問題;治安部隊に対する不処罰の問題;移民・難民・亡命希望者に対する保護の問題の4課題についてである。

“Prime Minister Najib has a great opportunity to reverse the abusive policies of the past,” said Elaine Pearson, deputy Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “It’s deplorable that Malaysians continue to face arbitrary detention, censorship, and threats to their lives from unaccountable police.”


The letter welcomed Najib’s stated intention “to uphold civil liberties” and demonstrate “regard for the fundamental rights of the people of Malaysia,” and called for the immediate ratification of core United Nations human rights treaties.


Human Rights Watch urged Najib to revoke Malaysia’s long-abused Internal Security Act and to try fairly or release those being detained under the law. He should uphold the rights of migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers in Malaysia by ensuring that existing laws protect rather than penalize them. Human Rights Watch also called on Najib to abolish RELA, the government-backed People’s Volunteer Corps which has been responsible for numerous rights violations against migrants.

マレーシアで長く濫用されてきた国内治安維持法(Internal Security Act)を廃棄し、同法のもとで拘留されている人々を公正な裁判に掛けるか、釈放するよう、ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチはナジブに強く求めた。首相はマレーシアに来た移民・難民・亡命希望者を、現行法で犯罪化するよりもむしろ保護する事を保証し、彼らの権利を守らなければならない。ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは又、移民に対するおびただしい数の権利侵害を行ってきた、政府が支援してきた人民義勇兵団(People’s Volunteer Corps)・RELAを廃止するよう求めた。

“It’s time the Malaysian government delivered on promises to show ‘regard for the fundamental rights of the people of Malaysia,’ so that it is more than just a pretty sound bite,” said Pearson.


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