
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ 米国下院が市民社会団体を脅かす法案を可決


On November 21, 2024, the US House of Representatives passed H.R. 9495, which would grant the secretary of the US Department of the Treasury unilateral authority to remove the tax-exempt status of any US nonprofit group that it designates a “terrorist supporting organization,” which the legislation does not clearly define. The bill does not require the government to provide evidence to support such a decision.

2024年11月21日に米国下院は、「テロリスト支援団体」であると指定した、米国の非営利団体への免税資格を剥奪する一方的権限を米国国務長官に与える、H.R. 9495法案を可決した。同法案は、「テロリスト支援団体」を明確に定義しておらず、しかもそのような決定を支える証拠の提供を、政府に求めていない。

This legislation grants the executive branch broad and easily abused authority. If the Senate adopts the bill and it is signed into law, it could have vast chilling effects on the rights to freedom of expression, association, and peaceful assembly that are protected under the US Constitution and international human rights law.


Human Rights Watch and nearly 300 other groups have publicly opposed this legislation.


The following quote is attributable to Sarah Yager, Washington director at Human Rights Watch:


“This legislation threatens the ability of independent groups to engage with the US government on human rights abuses around the world and creates a climate of fear and intimidation. The US Senate should reject this bill.”


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