
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ イエメン:フーシ派の敷設した地雷で民間人に死傷者



(Beirut September 8, 2016) – The use of landmines by Houthi forces and their allies in Yemen’s third-largest city of Taizz has caused numerous civilian casualties and hinders the return of families displaced by the fighting. The Houthis, also known as Ansar Allah, and allied forces loyal to former president Ali Abdullah Saleh should immediately cease using these weapons and all parties to Yemen’s conflict should observe the 1997 Mine Ban Treaty, which Yemen joined in 1998.


On August 9, 2016, 11 civilians, including seven children, were killed by an antivehicle mine in al-Waziyah, a western part of Taizz, a local activist told Human Rights Watch. Two of the children were 4 years old.


“Houthi and allied forces are showing cold-hearted cruelty toward civilians by using landmines,” said Steve Goose, arms director at Human Rights Watch. “Yemen’s warring parties should immediately stop laying mines, destroy mines in their possession and ensure that demining teams can work unimpeded so that families can safely return home.”


Human Rights Watch interviewed 14 people in Taizz, including landmine victims or their relatives, and Taizz-based medical professionals and deminers. Human Rights Watch also spoke with Yemeni mine clearance officials from northern Yemen and a demining activist from the south.


While total figures for landmine casualties in Taizz are not available, landmines killed at least 18 people and wounded more than 39 in the Taizz governorate between May 2015 and April 2016, according to Against Mines National Organization (AMNO), a Taizz-based group. All but one of the 18 deaths documented were caused by antivehicle mines, while nine of 11 permanent injuries were from antipersonnel mines. The group documented that landmines in Taizz killed five children, caused permanent disabilities to four, and otherwise wounded 13.


Yemenis clearing mines in Taizz and medical professionals said that landmines have caused dozens of civilian casualties since March. Human Rights Watch investigated the cases of five people who have been maimed by antipersonnel mines in Taizz since March.


In June, Dr. Suhail al-Dabhani, general director at Taizz’s al-Rawda Hospital, told Human Rights Watch that since late April, the hospital had treated 50 people – 30 men, 8 women, and 12 children – who had one or more limbs amputated and who he believed had been wounded by landmines. One landmine victim he treated was 9 years old.


Essam al-Bathra, who leads a volunteer group at a Taizz rehabilitation center that assists people with prosthetic limbs, said the center has had at least 29 cases of landmine-related injuries since it reopened on May 9, after being closed for nearly a year because of fighting in the city.


The Houthis and allied forces loyal to former president Saleh occupied parts of Taizz from March 2015 until March 2016, including areas where Human Rights Watch has documented civilian casualties from antipersonnel mines. Deminers who entered these areas soon after Houthi and allied forces withdrew have since cleared and destroyed mines from areas that were not known to have been mined before the conflict.


Officials at the Ministry of Human Rights in Sanaa, controlled by the Houthis and Saleh’s General People’s Congress party, told Human Rights Watch in late July that the Houthis and allied forces did not use antipersonnel mines. An official with the office of the Supreme Revolutionary Committee, a Houthi body, said in early August that the group did not plant antipersonnel mines in the city of Taizz. He acknowledged Houthi use of antivehicle mines, but said the use was “in military areas” only and claimed that civilian casualties from antivehicle mines were rare. The official alleged that other, unnamed, armed groups in Yemen had used antipersonnel mines.


In a September response to a Human Rights Watch letter, the Foreign Affairs Ministry in Sanaa, controlled by the Houthis and the General People’s Congress, did not address Human Rights Watch findings, but stated that Yemen was committed to the Mine Ban Treaty and prepared to create a committee to investigate the use of landmines in Taizz after the conflict ended.


Authorities in Sanaa should not wait to investigate Houthi and allied forces’ use of landmines, Human Rights Watch said, but should take immediate steps to ensure that affiliated forces cease using antipersonnel mines, destroy any antipersonnel mines they possess, and appropriately punish those using these indiscriminate weapons.


Col. Taher Humaid, a volunteer engineer with the Taizz National Association for Demining, said his demining team began work in Taizz in early March in neighborhoods from which Houthi and allied forces had recently withdrawn. His team cleared landmines from 16 locations, including al-Hasseb and al-Zounog neighborhoods, where Human Rights Watch documented civilian casualties from antipersonnel mines.


Humaid also reported that his team cleared and destroyed 24 improvised explosive devices (IEDs) between March and April. Victim-activated IEDs that explode due to the presence, proximity, or contact of a person fall under the definition of an antipersonnel landmine and are prohibited by the Mine Ban Treaty.


In August, the national Yemen Executive Mine Action Center told Human Rights Watch that their staff had cleared 32 antipersonnel mines and 25 antivehicle mines in Taizz governorate since March.


The 1997 Mine Ban Treaty prohibits the use of antipersonnel mines under any circumstances. Antivehicle mines, while not internationally banned, are often used in violation of international humanitarian law, for example when used indiscriminately or when inadequate precautions are taken to avoid civilian casualties.


International assistance is urgently needed in Yemen to equip and train personnel to systematically survey and clear mines and explosive remnants of war from areas that have recently experienced fighting, Human Rights Watch said. Appropriate compensation, assistance, and support should be provided to those wounded and to the families of victims, including medical care and rehabilitation.


The United Nations Human Rights Council should adopt the recommendation of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to create an independent international commission of inquiry to investigate serious laws-of-war violations by all parties to the conflict in Yemen, Human Rights Watch said.


Human Rights Watch is a founding member of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, which received the 1997 Nobel Peace Prize for its efforts to bring about the Mine Ban Treaty and for its contributions to a new international diplomacy based on humanitarian imperatives.


“Antipersonnel landmines are inherently indiscriminate and should never be used by anyone under any circumstances,” Goose said. “Their use in Yemen is adding to the misery of a devastating war whose effects will last for years to come.”


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