September 4th, 2024 2024年9月4日
Honourable Minister Joly, ジョリー大臣閣下
We write this Open Letter to you as academics, lawyers, civil society leaders and organizations in Canada to seek your support for the urgent need to establish an independent international investigative mechanism under the auspices of the UN Human Rights Council, to investigate the unlawful killings, detention, torture and other serious human rights violations that have taken place in Bangladesh for decades and scaled up in recent months.
At least 600 people, including protesting students, bystanders, journalists and members of the security force, were killed in that country between July 16 and August 11, 2024. UNICEF reported 65 of those killed were children. This follows a peaceful student protest since July 1, 2024, against a discriminatory quota in the country’s government jobs. In response to the protest, the authorities unleashed a brutal crackdown, which resulted in a large number of unlawful killings by the security forces. As the wider population joined the protest demanding justice for the attacks against students, Bangladesh’s government deployed the armed forces, imposed a curfew and gave a shoot-on-sight order to its security forces.
Sheikh Hasina, who was prime minister of Bangladesh for 15 years until August 5, 2024, resigned and fled the country in the wake of the massive public uprising against her. Following her resignation, the country was left in a state of turmoil with killings, destruction of public and private properties and violence against Hindu and other minorities, and those perceived to be supporters of Awami League, Sheikh Hasina’s political party.
On August 8, 2024, interim administration was formed under the leadership of Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus, who has the aspirations of many entrusted upon him to deliver justice and accountability. International support, including from key countries like Canada, will be essential.
Minister Joly, Bangladeshis, including within the community here in Canada, have been left traumatized by the lethal shots fired at students, who are in so many ways the lifeblood of the country.
The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk and mandate holders of the UN Special Procedures system have issued a number of statements raising alarms about the “large number of unlawful killings, possible enforced disappearances, torture and the detention of thousands of people.” The UN experts raised concerns about Bangladesh government’s poor human rights records, the lack of public trust in the judiciary and offered their assistance to “initiate a credible accountability process with the support of the United Nations.” A resolution at the UN Human Rights Council will strengthen the mandate and increase the scope and capacity of the UN-led investigation.
The accounts of horrific violence and unlawful action by security forces are grim. Video evidence verified by Amnesty International reveals that the police carried a student’s body on top of an armoured personnel carrier and dumped it on the road; the man was later confirmed dead. Nahid Islam, a Dhaka University student, one of the protest’s main organizers and now an adviser of the interim government, said he was picked up by security forces, tortured, and left unconscious on the street. The country’s police shot to death, Abu Sayeed, a student who bravely stood in front of them, stretching his arms wide open without posing any harm. No one should be able to get away with using unlawful force in any circumstances, including the audacity of doing so brazenly in broad daylight.
This is not the first time that a Bangladeshi government authorised unlawful killings. Human Rights Watch documented more than 350 unlawful killings by the country’s Rapid Action Battalion between March 2004 and December 2006 under the leadership of former Prime Minister Khaleda Zia. Nearly 2,600 people have been subjected to extrajudicial executions by security forces between 2009 and 2022 and 600 people were subjected to enforced disappearances under the leadership of former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.
Minister Joly, it would be a mistake to dismiss this situation in Bangladesh as the internal affairs of a sovereign country. This madness is the reflection of the cruel Pandora’s box for which some member states of the international community are responsible by consistently undermining vital international laws and mechanisms intended to rigorously prevent or respond to grave human rights violations.
An important step forward would be for Canada to press for the UN Human Rights Council to establish an independent international mechanism with a comprehensive mandate to investigate, collect, store, and analyse evidence and work with credible and independent national and international bodies towards accountability for these violations. Canada is well-placed to work with other countries, including within the Commonwealth, to demand that there be accountability for what transpired in Bangladesh – and it is vital to do so now, while the potential for a new path forward, grounded in human rights and justice, lies before the country and the international community.
The situation in Bangladesh is a test case for Canada’s clarion call for “seeking justice and accountability for those on the frontlines of defending human rights” – the first of six priorities that Canada outlined in support of its candidacy for the UN Human Rights Council’s 2028-2030 term.
Minister Joly, Bangladesh’s students have made the ultimate sacrifice for their human rights in recent months. In line with Canada’s commitment to seek justice and accountability, we urge you to:
- Immediately work with other states to move and garner support for a resolution to establish an independent international investigative mechanism at the UN Human Rights Council with a mandate to carry out an independent, impartial and thorough investigation into the unlawful killings, detention, torture, attack on minorities and other serious human rights violations that took place in Bangladesh for decades and scaled up in recent months.
- バングラデシュで何十年にも渡って行われ、ここ数ヶ月で規模が拡大した違法な殺害、拘禁、拷問、少数民族への攻撃他の深刻な人権侵害について、独立した公平かつ徹底的な調査を実施する権限を持つ独立した国際調査メカニズムを国連人権理事会に設立する決議に向けて、他の国々と直ちに協力して支持を集める。
- Encourage other countries, including within the Commonwealth, to demand that there be truth, justice, accountability and guarantees of non-recurrence for the grave human rights violations that have transpired in Bangladesh.
- 英連邦を含む他の国々に対し、バングラデシュで発生した重大な人権侵害について、真実が究明され、法の正義が実現され、説明責任が果たされ、再発防止が保証されることを求めるよう働きかける。
- Apply universal jurisdiction laws to ensure that individuals who are alleged to have committed or been responsible for serious human rights violations in Bangladesh do not evade justice and accountability in Canada.
- バングラデシュで重大な人権侵害を行った、またはその責任者だったとされる個人が、カナダ国内で法の裁きと説明責任を逃れることのないように、普遍的管轄権法を適用する。
- Call on the new administration led by Muhammad Yunus for an immediate release of all those detained solely for exercising their right to peaceful protest and to cooperate with all UN human rights bodies and experts, including the international mechanism, if and when it is established.
- 平和的な抗議行動の権利を行使しただけで拘禁されている全ての人々の即時解放するよう、そして国際メカニズムが設立された場合、それを含む国連における全ての人権機関と専門家に協力するよう、ムハマド・ユヌス氏が率いる新政権に求める。
- Ensure that the Government of Canada’s bilateral and multilateral relations with Bangladesh are grounded in the restoration of peace, independence of the judiciary, and accountability for international human rights violations.
- カナダ政府のバングラデシュとの2国間および多国間関係が、平和の回復、司法の独立、そして国際的な人権侵害に対する説明責任を果たすことに基づく旨保証する
We look forward to your leadership in leveraging the momentum in Bangladesh in the interest of establishing global justice and accountability for a rules-based international order.
Sincerely, 敬具