
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ リビア:無差別攻撃で民間人を殺害



(Misrata, April 18, 2011)  Libyan government forces have launched indiscriminate rocket and mortar attacks on residential neighborhoods in the rebel-held city of Misrata, Human Rights Watch said today. One strike, apparently by a Grad rocket, killed at least eight civilians waiting in line for bread. Another attack, apparently with a mortar round, hit a medical clinic, wounding four others.


At least 16 civilians have been killed in indiscriminate attacks since April 14, 2011, Human Rights Watch said, based on witness and survivor accounts, as well as inspections of the impact sites. Human Rights Watch found no evidence of military activity in the areas that came under attack, and witnesses said rebel fighters were not present in those areas when the attacks took place.

Rocket fragments and remains, somewith the markings intact, indicate that a barrage of rockets that hit one residential neighborhood was Soviet-designed Grads, which are unguided rockets often fired in salvos to cover a wide area.



“Libyan government forces have repeatedly fired mortars and Grad rockets into residential neighborhoods in Misrata, causing civilian casualties,” said Peter Bouckaert, emergencies director at Human Rights Watch. “The Soviet-made Grad in particular is one of the world’s most inaccurate rocket systems and should never be fired in areas with civilians.”


These indiscriminate attacks come alongside the use by Libyan government forces of cluster munitions in civilian-populated areas of Misrata, documented by Human Rights Watch on April 15.


Misrata is the only rebel-held city in Libya’s west. Government forces have tried to retake control of the city for about seven weeks. According to doctors in the city who are keeping track of the death toll, more than 267 bodies have been brought to hospital morgues as of April 15, the majority of them civilians. The number of dead is higher because some families have not brought their relatives to the morgues, the doctors said.


In addition to the rocket that landed on the bread line in front of the bakery on April 14, another rocket that day hit the home of a sheikh adjacent to a mosque, and at least four others hit private homes. Human Rights Watch saw the remains of one Grad lodged in the side of a family’s pick-up truck parked in their garage and another on a residential street.


On April 16, government forces hit the parking lot just outside the Zawiyat el-Mahjoub medical clinic in the residential Zawiya neighborhood, apparently with an 82mm high explosive mortar round, spraying shrapnel into the clinic that wounded a medical technician and three other civilians, Human Rights Watch said.

4月16日に政府軍は、ザウィーヤ(Zawiya)居住区域にあるザウィヤト・エル-マフジョウブ(Zawiyat el-Mahjoub)診療所のすぐ外にある駐車場に、高性能の爆薬を装填した82mm迫撃砲弾を撃ち込んだと思われ、その破片は診療所内まで貫通、医療技術者1名民間人3名を負傷させた、とヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは述べた。

According to witnesses, the rocket and mortar fire all came from government positions outside the city, which they are familiar with after seven weeks of fighting. The rebels in the city appear poorly armed, often sharing weapons, and have not been seen with either Grad rockets or mortars, Human Rights Watch said.


Indiscriminate Attacks With Grads

The Grad rocket attacks documented by Human Rights Watch in Misrata took place on April 14 between 7 and 9 a.m. in the residential Qasr Ahmed neighborhood near Misrata’s port.


ミスラタ市内でヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチが取りまとめた、グラッドロケット弾による無差別攻撃は、4月14日午前7時から9時までの間に、ミスラタ港近くのカスル・アフメド(Qasr Ahmed)居住区域で起こった。

Human Rights Watch interviewed four witnesses to the attacks and visited seven of the impact sites. All of the witnesses said they had not seen or heard fighting in the neighborhood at the time of the attack. Families from other parts of the city had sought shelter in Qasr Ahmed prior to the attacks because they had considered the area safe, they said. Human Rights Watch saw no discernible military targets when visiting the neighborhood on April 15.


Doctors at the Misrata hospital morgue said they had received 12 bodies throughout the day on April 14, all of them from the Qasr Ahmed neighborhood and other areas near the port where the Grads were landing, although it was unclear whether these 12 people were hit with Grads. Eight of the 12 dead were civilians, three were apparently fighters, and the status of one was unclear, the doctors said.

ミスラタ病院遺体安置所の医師たちは、4月14日中に12遺体を収容し、その全てがカスル・アフメド(Qasr Ahmed)居住区域及びグラッドロケット弾が落ちた港付近のその他区域から運ばれてきたものであるが、それらの人々12名がグラッドロケット弾によるものであるかについては不明であると話していた。また12名の死者の内8名は民間人であり、3名は戦闘員と思われ、1名の身分については不明であるとも話していた。

Among the dead were three Egyptian migrant workers who were preparing for evacuation from Misrata by ship, at least two witnesses said.


The Soviet-made Grad is a nearly three-meter long 122mm rocket that is usually fired from a truck-mounted launching system capable of firing 40 rockets simultaneously. The rockets are imprecise due to the lack of a guidance system and have a range from four to forty kilometers. Fired in groups, they impact over a wide area and can therefore inflict large-scale civilian casualties in residential areas, Human Rights Watch said.


Grad rocket attacks are clearly identifiable by the debris left behind by the rocket motors and other rocket components, as well as their distinctive strike pattern.


Human Rights Watch previously found large numbers of Soviet- and North Korean-produced Grad missiles in Libyan government weapon depots that had fallen under rebel control in the country’s east. Many of the North Korean-produced weapons were in boxes falsely identifying them as tractor or bulldozer parts. Human Rights Watch also saw Grad rocket launchers on the road between Ajdabiya and Benghazi, which had been destroyed by coalition air strikes against government forces.

Armed opposition forces in Libya’s east also possess Grad rocket launchers, Human Rights Watch said, having seen rebels with them in the country’s east.



“No side in this conflict should use the indiscriminate Grad in or near areas where there are civilians,” Bouckaert said. “The rebels should commit to avoiding its unlawful use.”


In a park in the Qasr Ahmed neighborhood, Human Rights Watch researchers saw the hastily prepared graves of eight people killed while waiting in line in front of the Balrwein Bakery. All of the graves were marked “April 14” with the names of victims engraved in concrete. Witnesses said the families of two more victims had taken those bodies for burial closer to home, indicating that at least 10 people were killed in the attack. The dead civilians ranged in age from 17 to 90, according to local residents at the makeshift graveyard who identified each of the victims for Human Rights Watch.

カスル・アフメド(Qasr Ahmed)居住区域にある公園内でヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ調査員は、バールウェイン・ベーカリー(Balrwein Bakery)の前で列を作って待っていた際に、殺害された人々8名用に急遽用意された墓を調査した。全ての墓にコンクリートに刻まれた犠牲者の名前と伴に“4月14日”と記されていた。更に2名の犠牲者の家族が自宅近くに埋葬するため遺体を運んでいった、と目撃者が話している事実はその攻撃で少なくとも10名の人々が殺害されていることを示唆している。ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチのために仮設墓地で犠牲者それぞれの身元を特定してくれた地元住民によると、死亡した民間人の年齢は17歳から90歳までに渡るそうである。

Two witnesses to the attack outside the bakery told Human Rights Watch what they saw. Ali Hmouda, 36, a port worker, said he was standing across the street with a friend, Ahmed Shalfouh, 29. “When the firing started, I hit the ground, but my friend Ahmed didn’t,” Hmouda told Human Rights Watch. “When the shrapnel flew, his head came off and landed in my lap. Within three minutes, a large number of missiles had hit the area.”

パン屋の外で攻撃を目撃した2名の目撃者はヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチに、彼らが見たことを話してくれた。友人のアフメド・シャルフォウス(29歳:Ahmed Shalfouh)とその時通りの反対側に立っていたアリ・ハモウダ(港湾労働者36歳:Ali Hmouda)は「ロケットが落ち始めた時、俺は地面に叩きつけられたんだけれど、友達のアフメドはそうならなかった。破片が飛んできて、ヤツの頭はスパッと切られ、俺の膝の上に落ちて来たんだ。その3分以内に物凄い数のロケットがあの地域に打ち込まれたんだ。」

Fathi Hmouda, 31, was standing next to the bakery when the Grad rocket hit the street outside the bakery at 7 a.m. He said:

It was a long line. Some Egyptian workers were walking to the bakery from the mosque. A man with three children was driving nearby in a car. We heard missiles in the air, so most people in line scattered. Walid Muhammad Ehteba was at the bakery when the firing started so he ran back to the end of the line. That is where the attack hit. He was a law student. He was 25 years old. He was killed. The missile struck next to a car near the back of the line. At least eight died. They were all civilians. One Egyptian who was still in front of the bakery was killed too. All the people were buried the same day in graves nearby because their bodies were in pieces. We didn’t know which piece belonged to whom. We didn’t take them to the morgue.

午前7時にグラッドロケット弾がパン屋の外の道路に着弾した時、その店の隣に立っていたファズィ・ハモウダ(31歳:Fathi Hmouda)は以下のように話した。

「長い列だったよ。何人かのエジプト人労働者がモスクからパン屋まで歩き、男が3人の子どもを載せた車を運転していた。空中でロケット弾の音が聞こえたので、殆どの人がバラバラになったんだ。ワリド・ムハマド・エハテバ(Walid Muhammad Ehteba)はロケット弾が落ち始めた時パン屋にいたんで、列の一番後ろの方へ走って戻ったんだ。でもそこにロケット弾があたったんだ。アイツは法律を勉強している学生で、25歳、アイツが殺されたんだ。そのロケット弾は列の一番後ろの近くの車のすぐとなり落ちた。少なくたって8人が死んだ。みんな民間人だよ。パン屋の前にまだいたエジプト人も1人殺された。遺体がバラバラになってたから近くの墓にみんな同じ日に埋められた。俺たちはどの部分が誰のものだったか分からなかった。だから遺体安置所には持って行かなかったんだ。」

Salaheddin Gharman, 24, a mechanical engineer, lives next to the impromptu cemetery in Qasr Ahmed and was there when people brought the bodies of the dead from in front of the bakery. “The bodies were wrapped in blankets,” he told Human Rights Watch. Eight of the bodies were buried immediately in graves covered with concrete, he said.

カスル・アフメド(Qasr Ahmed)居住区域内の仮設墓地の隣に住んでいて、人々がパン屋の前から遺体を運んできた時にそこにいたサラヘディン・ガルマン(機械工24歳:Salaheddin Gharman)は、「遺体は毛布に包まれてたよ。8つ遺体はコンクリートに覆われた墓に直ぐ埋められた。」とヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチに話していた。

Those who died outside the bakery include: Aiman Muftah Killani, 17; Mustafa Muhammed el-Hamroush, 75; Muhammad Ali Shayb, 37; Muhammad Bennor Arafa, 90; Muftah Ramadan Rashid, 20; and Ali Abdulgadar Armeda, 35, Walid Muhammad Ehteba, 25, and Ahmed Shalfouh, 29. Among these victims were Egyptian workers, Fathi Hmouda said.

パン屋の外で死亡したのは以下の人々が含まれている。アイマン・ムフタハ・キラーニ(17歳:Aiman Muftah Killani);ムスタハ・ムハメド・エル-ハムロウシ(75歳:Muhammed el-Hamroush);ムハマド・アリ・シャイブ(37歳:Muhammad Ali Shayb);ムハマド・ベノール・アラファ(90歳:Muhammad Bennor Arafa);ムフタハ・ラマダン・ラシド(20歳:Muftah Ramadan Rashid);アリ・アブドルガダル・アルメダ(35歳:Ali Abdulgadar Armeda);ワリド・ムハマド・エハテバ(25歳:Walid Muhammad Ehteba);アハメド・シャルフォウハ(29歳:Ahmed Shalfouh)。また犠牲者の中には複数のエジプト人労働者がいたと前出のファズィ・ハモウダは話していた。

Bilgasim Mustafa, 42, a sheikh whose house shares an exterior wall with the Abushayfer Mosque, was at home at 9 a.m. when a Grad rocket penetrated the wall between his house and the mosque.

自宅がアブシャイファー・モスク(Abushayfer Mosque)の外壁を共有している、ビルガシム・ムスタファ(族長42歳:Bilgasim Mustafa)は、午前9時に家にいて、その時グラッドロケット弾が自宅とモスクの壁を貫通した。

“I had been hearing many explosions,” Mustafa said. “The attack shattered the glass in the classroom where I teach Quran to children. The students were not there at the time. They were due to come in half an hour. No one was hurt.” Human Rights Watch saw the 1.5m-long hole in the wall and the remnants of the Grad missile in Mustafa’s house. 


Muhammad Awad Muhammad Surayti, 57, told Human Rights Watch that on the morning of April 14 he saw shelling of the port close to his house in Qasr Ahmed and shelling at the nearby iron factory.

ムハマド・アワド・ムハマド・スライティ(57歳:Muhammad Awad Muhammad Surayti)は、4月14日の朝、カスル・アフメド(Qasr Ahmed)住居区域にある自宅近くの港への砲撃と付近にある鉄工所への砲撃を目撃している。

“I saw smoke in the seaport,” he said. “Soon after that, around 8 a.m., I took a bag of garbage out of my house and an explosion hit near me on the wall in front of my house. I didn’t realize what was happening and I fell down. It was a Grad missile. There were no fighters in the area at the time. I have shrapnel wounds on my right side.”


After living under regular attack from Gaddafi forces in Misrata for seven weeks, many civilians in the city have become familiar with the different types of weapons deployed against them. They often refer to the Grad rockets as “missiles.”


Ali Hmouda showed Human Rights Watch the damage to his home from the April 14 attacks. One Grad apparently hit Hmouda’s garage roof, destroying the roof and a pick-up truck parked inside. The Grad was still lodged in the side of the truck. Another hit an enclosed area near the house. Hmouda was not home at the time, but he said he was housing students who were smoking tobacco water pipes (sheesha), drinking tea, and eating.

前出のアリ・ハモウダ(Ali Hmouda)はヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチに、4月14日に受けた自宅への被害を見せてくれた。1発のグラッドロケット弾が、ハモウダのガレージの屋根と中に停めてあったピックアップトラックを壊していた。そのグラッドロケット弾はそのトラックの車体横にまだ残っていた。またもう1発が家の近くの囲い込まれた土地を直撃している。ハモウダは攻撃時に自宅にいなかったが、学生に家を提供していて、彼らは中で水タバコパイプを吸い、お茶を飲み、食事をしていたと彼は話していた。

Another Grad hit the yard outside the home of Hmouda’s neighbor, Hania Abu Zhebada, 75. Zhebada was in the home with two other families at the time. 

更にもう1発のグラッドロケット弾がハモウダの隣人であるハニア・アブ・ズヘバダ(75歳:Hania Abu Zhebada)の外庭に落ちた。ズヘバダはその時他の2家族と一緒に家の中にいた。

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